Mistakes of young parents and how to treat a baby

During the waiting period, many couples study a huge amount of literature. Advice to future parents are ready to give everything: grandparents, aunts and uncles. These are just recommendations for parenting and development They are so contradictory that you wonder.

Today's edition. "Site" share childish for kettles. Even our mothers made such mistakes!

Advice for future parents

To hear the joyful laughter of the baby, new parents begin to tickle the heels of their child. Many adults think that if a child laughs constantly, then he likes it.

However, in fact, tickling can be painful and unpleasant! Young children who have not yet learned to talk cannot say enough and continue to laugh, not because they like it, but because when tickled, laughing is an automatic response.

With prolonged tickling, the baby may develop a tension reflex, so experts recommend never playing with children in the form of tickling. Especially if your child is sleepy or hungry. There are much more interesting ways to make a baby smile and laugh!

Baby bed Baby's bed It should be comfortable! The baby needs only a good mattress with a sheet and a small blanket in case of cool temperature in the room. But a huge number of soft toys is rather an imposed pattern.

Plush bunnies and unicorns, cute lying next to the baby, at any time can interfere with him. Not to mention situations where an infant turns awkwardly in a dream and faces them, which can make it critically difficult to breathe.

Mobile toys should hang at a distance of 30-50 centimeters from the eyes of the child. If you hang them below, your eyesight will be too strained. The child should not reach the toys with his hands, otherwise he risks dumping the entire structure on himself.

Many parents themselves in childhood were afraid of the dark, perhaps, so the night light is a frequent attribute of children's rooms. However, the night light does more harm than good. Even very dull. nightlight It can disrupt sleep and disrupt the baby’s biological clock.

Well, if you can not avoid using the night light because of the fear of darkness, pay attention to the color of the lamp. The most disturbed sleep in blue light, so it is advisable to avoid the blue part of the spectrum.

Feeding with a spoon "A spoon for dad, a spoon for mom..." - they told us in childhood, and then we, according to the rolled, also feed our child with a spoon. In order for the child to eat well, parents can become real storytellers and artists, forcing the baby to open his mouth and eat more porridge or healthy soup. That’s just such “dancing with tambourines” are more harmful to children.

“The child is six months old? Give him a spoon in his hand and move away! advises Professor at Swansea University (UK) Amy Brown.

“Children who are spoon-fed are more likely to become overweight or obese than those who eat on their own!” says Professor Brown in his book on the importance of solid complementary foods. Those who are forced to eat themselves, first, will form healthier eating habits, and second, will be more adventurous in life.

Kids who crawl or take the first uncertain steps are perfectly without shoes. “Walking barefoot is undoubtedly beneficial, especially for young children. But not every surface is suitable for this, said the orthopedists.

It is most favorable to walk without shoes on sand, grass, smooth stones. This helps the legs to develop, positively affects the development of gait and posture. But at home on a perfectly flat tile or laminate to walk is not so useful. At this point, there is no reflex contraction of the muscles of the foot, and the main load falls on the weak ligamentous apparatus.

In the conditions of our smooth-floor apartments, it is worth buying special orthogens that simulate different surfaces: stones, soft and hard grass, spikes and spines.

A lot of warm things “A couple of bones does not break!” – said me as a child. My childhood was a long time ago, but I still remember that I was constantly whipped. My mom used to think that the warmer the baby was, the better. That was what many mothers thought at the time.

However, overheating a baby is much easier and more dangerous than overcooling. The most indicative criteria for overheating are wet neck and back of the head, as well as reddened skin. Before you put another jacket on the child, take a look, maybe your baby is already hot.

I also want you to know why you should not send your child to kindergarten before the age of three. The main thing is not early development, but timely!

As you can see, all familiar situations! However, through ignorance, you can sit in a puddle.

Should I give advice? future parents? Definitely yes! But before you give them, and parents use them, you need to figure out whether this is true and whether this advice will not harm your child. By the way, all compassionate grandmothers should also worry less, because excessive care is not always useful!

What do you say about this advice, have you made such mistakes with your children?


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