How to teach a wife who does not like to keep order in the house

Every mother wishes her child well, especially if she has one. And if the only son got lazy wifeIf you want to shift your responsibilities to other shoulders (including the shoulders of your mother-in-law), it is unlikely that the relationship in such a family will be cloudless.

When my husband left, I was left alone with my son in my arms. It wasn't easy to raise a child without support, but now complain. I tried to put the best in the education of Vadim, but apparently overdone it. He grew up with the realization that his mother would give up everything in the world, as long as he was happy, says 45-year-old Daria.

“I always wanted to live a little for myself. And when Vadim after the institute decided to marry his girlfriend Marina, I was only happy. I was not even embarrassed that after the wedding, the young people were going to live with me temporarily. In my apartment with Vadim.”

“It seemed to me that they were already adults and would do without my help. But soon it turned out that the daughter-in-law needs a nanny, and maybe not one. It is amazing how a 22-year-old girl had no idea of order and purity.”

“Marina either sat quietly in the room or went shopping with her friends. She preferred not to find time for everyday worries. Even cooking. And nothing that a husband hungry from work will come, because the mother-in-law will still cook. And I cooked like before the wedding. Not for two, but for three.

“The daughter-in-law never washed a bath after herself, did not consider it necessary to clean the kitchen and wash the dishes. Folding clothes carefully, apparently, her parents never taught. And the daughter-in-law's sneakers thrown in the hallway were annoying me every day.

When Marina once again brought the mugs and put them in the sink, even though I cleaned the kitchen 10 minutes ago, my patience ran out.

If you want to live here, do it yourself and wash the dishes. I don't have to follow you and clean you up. I even have a cat cleaner than you, pretty harshly, but I think I justifiably blurted it out. The daughter-in-law was silent, went to her room and defiantly slammed the door.”

“After two days, the young moved out. Vadim was Very unhappy with my comment.. He told me that if I didn’t like his wife, I would be alone with my beloved cat. They don't have a foot against me anymore.

“Of course, listening to it hurt, but maybe it’s for the best. Let them now count on their own strength and arrange their own life. They don't always sit on my neck.”

“I remember that in my years I had time with the child, and at home I cleaned up and worked as hard as I could. And youth He does not think of anything and does not want to plan anything.”

“They will have a child, and who will raise it? Me again? Vadim is always at work, and Marina is not even able to clean up after herself. We went to a rented apartment, fine. Let them learn to be independent. I also want to rest, the young mother-in-law resents.

Experts believe that the only way to teach a person housework - leave him alone with them. After all, when you even wash cups, it is difficult to be independent. And when you know that there is no one to wash the floors and cook soup except for you, then you take it more willingly.

In addition, it is unlikely that two housewives in the same kitchen get along very rarely. Therefore, moving a young family to a separate housing should be a way out of the situation. And the mother-in-law will be fine, and the daughter-in-law will feel freer without supervision.


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