Why Japan Believes We Are Seen From Heaven
Japan is a country with a centuries-old history and original culture. People from all over the world admire the Land of the Rising Sun and dream of visiting there. And especially enthusiastic admirers study its life, national cuisine and even proverb. And this is not surprising, because they contain deep everyday wisdom.
© Freepik Today editorial office "Site" I have prepared for you a short instructive legend and made a selection of 10 interesting proverbs. We hope that they will not only please you, but also remember.
Japanese proverbs We chose 10 Japanese Proverbswhich seemed to us the most capacious and meaningful. We hope you share our view!
Japanese legend The Wise Japanese LegendIt is likely to cause a lot of controversy. But that's the beauty of it. It will be interesting to know what you think about this.
“When it is time to go to heaven, God gives man a special window so that he does not get bored. Through this window, a person can see his family and friends. And on the windowsill is a small pot with a flower. And a small bell is tied to his branch.
This bell isn't easy. If good words are said about the departed person, he rings loudly and the sun shines. And if people miss and cry, then behind the window it rains and grows a flower, delighting the heavenly.
At first, the bell rings very loudly and often, because everyone around you says only good things. And the flower grows because people cry and grieve. But over time, the ringing of the bell is heard less and less, and the sun does not appear so often, and there is almost no rain. So the flower just dies.
In order for the soul of the heavenly person to be calm, do not forget about him. A family member will always find a moment to remember. Let the flower bloom with renewed force, let the bell ring louder and louder.
Are you close in spirit to such unusual Japanese Proverbs and Legend? For example, I liked the saying about a stupid and intelligent person. And indeed, there is no need to justify your mistakes, because the time spent on this can be used wisely and correct them. What do you say? Share your opinion in the comments!

© Freepik Today editorial office "Site" I have prepared for you a short instructive legend and made a selection of 10 interesting proverbs. We hope that they will not only please you, but also remember.
Japanese proverbs We chose 10 Japanese Proverbswhich seemed to us the most capacious and meaningful. We hope you share our view!
- If you can solve a problem, then don’t worry about it, and if you can’t, it’s pointless to worry.
- In a house where laughter is heard, happiness will come.
© Freepik - The winner will be the one who lasts only half an hour longer than his opponent.
- Cold tea and cold rice can be experienced, but a cold look and a word are hardly.
- Being a husband and wife is not enough. It is important to be good friends and lovers, so as not to look for them in others.
- Sometimes one dog barks just like that, and others take seriously.
© Freepik - A stupid man tries to justify his mistake, and a clever man tries to correct it.
- How hardy a horse is, you'll learn on the way. Human nature can only be known over time.
- If you drink, you don’t know the dangers of wine. And if you don't drink, you don't know its benefits.
- Even if you only use a sword once, you have to wear it all your life.
© Freepik
Japanese legend The Wise Japanese LegendIt is likely to cause a lot of controversy. But that's the beauty of it. It will be interesting to know what you think about this.
“When it is time to go to heaven, God gives man a special window so that he does not get bored. Through this window, a person can see his family and friends. And on the windowsill is a small pot with a flower. And a small bell is tied to his branch.

This bell isn't easy. If good words are said about the departed person, he rings loudly and the sun shines. And if people miss and cry, then behind the window it rains and grows a flower, delighting the heavenly.
At first, the bell rings very loudly and often, because everyone around you says only good things. And the flower grows because people cry and grieve. But over time, the ringing of the bell is heard less and less, and the sun does not appear so often, and there is almost no rain. So the flower just dies.

In order for the soul of the heavenly person to be calm, do not forget about him. A family member will always find a moment to remember. Let the flower bloom with renewed force, let the bell ring louder and louder.
Are you close in spirit to such unusual Japanese Proverbs and Legend? For example, I liked the saying about a stupid and intelligent person. And indeed, there is no need to justify your mistakes, because the time spent on this can be used wisely and correct them. What do you say? Share your opinion in the comments!
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