Why you can’t judge the actions of others even mentally
Sometimes real. lesson-story They happen in real life. Such cases-parables make you think and rethink a lot. And they can happen to anyone.
We want to tell you, dear reader, one fine example that judging others can lead you to get off the right track. And only by being truly righteous and confident in your good beginnings, you will be able to get a chance for correction.
This case happened a long time ago with the holy elder Paisius Svyatogorets. At that time he lived near the town of Konitsa, in the monastery of Stomion. The elder spoke of that time with a smile: then he was pure in heart and soul, like a real baby. The monastery itself was a 2-hour walk from the city.
And once the pilgrims told him that a certain woman appeared in the city of Tom, who with her prodigal disposition and rampant way of life took away young men and broke up families. And no one could find that woman. She did a lot of grief, and where she came from and where she was going, no one knew.
After some time, descending into the city, the holy elder came upon the laity, who showed him that very lecher. And much later, many days after that, he suddenly met her at the entrance to the monastery. Seeing a woman who just froze near the holy gate, Paisios felt a wave of negativity and in his mind wished her to go away.
And then, at that very moment, the woman rushed down the trail back into the city. But the worst thing happened to Paisius himself, who at that time was still relatively young and strong. He felt a surge of emotions of very different directions, and then he was covered with a storm of desire and temptation.
And then from the last strength, fighting his inner demons, he ran along the path towards Mount Hamil. There he, secluded, took out his hiking axe, which was always with him and helped him climb the rocks. And he hit himself with that axe just above his ankle with all his remaining strength.
And then, when a sharp pain pierced his limb, and the blood poured down a stream, Paisius suddenly realized everything. “Lord, my attraction is heavy. How difficult and difficult it is for me to restrain myself, and this is the first time in my life that my sinful desires have prevailed over me, even if only for a moment. This soul is tormented on the earth, count all life.
And immediately after this revelation, Paisius sighed with relief. The cursed passions no longer possessed his soul, and the filthy thoughts left the man’s mind forever. Fresh air surrounded his face, and gentleness and purity of thought returned as before.
He realized that we are all different people. And if some people can control their lives and stand firmly on their feet, then one should pray for others and trust in God that He will guide them to the right path.
And he also realized that people should only make comments on the merits. Even if you make these remarks to yourself without speaking out loud. And if you speak out loud, directly, it should be extremely important in the case. Because a person is in turmoil and very tired and often listen to comments just can not, no matter how they are.
That’s the story, dear reader. It happened in the last century with the holy elder Paisius Svyatogorets and in our opinion is quite instructive. What do you say, we are really interested?

We want to tell you, dear reader, one fine example that judging others can lead you to get off the right track. And only by being truly righteous and confident in your good beginnings, you will be able to get a chance for correction.
This case happened a long time ago with the holy elder Paisius Svyatogorets. At that time he lived near the town of Konitsa, in the monastery of Stomion. The elder spoke of that time with a smile: then he was pure in heart and soul, like a real baby. The monastery itself was a 2-hour walk from the city.

And once the pilgrims told him that a certain woman appeared in the city of Tom, who with her prodigal disposition and rampant way of life took away young men and broke up families. And no one could find that woman. She did a lot of grief, and where she came from and where she was going, no one knew.

After some time, descending into the city, the holy elder came upon the laity, who showed him that very lecher. And much later, many days after that, he suddenly met her at the entrance to the monastery. Seeing a woman who just froze near the holy gate, Paisios felt a wave of negativity and in his mind wished her to go away.

And then, at that very moment, the woman rushed down the trail back into the city. But the worst thing happened to Paisius himself, who at that time was still relatively young and strong. He felt a surge of emotions of very different directions, and then he was covered with a storm of desire and temptation.
And then from the last strength, fighting his inner demons, he ran along the path towards Mount Hamil. There he, secluded, took out his hiking axe, which was always with him and helped him climb the rocks. And he hit himself with that axe just above his ankle with all his remaining strength.

And then, when a sharp pain pierced his limb, and the blood poured down a stream, Paisius suddenly realized everything. “Lord, my attraction is heavy. How difficult and difficult it is for me to restrain myself, and this is the first time in my life that my sinful desires have prevailed over me, even if only for a moment. This soul is tormented on the earth, count all life.
And immediately after this revelation, Paisius sighed with relief. The cursed passions no longer possessed his soul, and the filthy thoughts left the man’s mind forever. Fresh air surrounded his face, and gentleness and purity of thought returned as before.

He realized that we are all different people. And if some people can control their lives and stand firmly on their feet, then one should pray for others and trust in God that He will guide them to the right path.

And he also realized that people should only make comments on the merits. Even if you make these remarks to yourself without speaking out loud. And if you speak out loud, directly, it should be extremely important in the case. Because a person is in turmoil and very tired and often listen to comments just can not, no matter how they are.

That’s the story, dear reader. It happened in the last century with the holy elder Paisius Svyatogorets and in our opinion is quite instructive. What do you say, we are really interested?
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