Habits of beauty, not to wrinkle like dried apricots, ahead of time

What does a beautiful woman look like? What does that mean? Facial features, an excellent sports figure, and maybe a radiant look and a kind smile... Beauty is a subjective concept. It seems to me that no matter what external data nature has given us, without proper self-care No one can afford it. A beautiful woman is a well-groomed woman. So you have to work on yourself.

For example, in order for the business to grow and develop, you need to invest money, time and effort in it, and only then you can make a profit. It's the same with our looks. If you invest in it, the result will not be long in coming.

Today's edition. "Site" share beauty habitsThis will save you time and energy, and most importantly, make you even more beautiful. And this is not about expensive financial investments, but about what every woman can do for herself.

What a beautiful woman looks like

The first habit sounds like this: each pocket balm! This is very helpful in the cold season. Place in all pockets of outerwear and bags the usual moisturizing lip balms. So at the right moment we can save our sponges from peeling.

When taking a shower, make a face mask! Any beauty treatments that can be done at the same time should be combined. For example, when making a face mask, apply a thick balm or cuticle oil to your lips.

Or while the hair tip oil is absorbed, use a body scrub. Think about how you can do two things at the same time. It's significant. will save you time And it will produce good results.

Keep your feet above your head whenever you have the chance! Talk to a friend on the phone - lie down on the couch, and throw your feet on the wall. Do the same thing when you read a book, watch a video. There are many options. Legs in this position rest, and this is also an excellent prevention of varicose veins!

Also, don't forget about foot baths. Hold your feet for 15 minutes in a basin or make a bath to steam your legs. This will soften the skin on the heels and ensure its nutrition, establish the optimal humidity.

Listen to more pleasant and relaxing music, and do not forget to sing along. Singing cleanses the throat chakra, and we no longer want to argue with others. In ancient times, one of the best compliments for a woman was the words "She's like a song."

Drink pure warm water. And you don't need to pour 3 liters into yourself. The water rate for each of us is individual and is calculated according to the following formula: 30 ml of water per kilogram of weight. Buy yourself a beautiful water bottle and put it in sight. You will definitely not forget to drink your water.

Ability to make quick makeup This is a very useful skill that will help you in emergency situations, when you need to run on important things, when you overslept, even when you just need to go out for 10 minutes to get bread.

Skill. makeup 5 minutes, which will transform you, will help you more than once. Keep on hand a set of products that will help you look charming. I have mascara, consiller and lip gloss of flesh color.

Please smile: in the morning sunshine, in the mirror, remembering something beautiful, just like that.

Try smiling every time you want to smile at a passer-by, even for a few seconds (forgetting what he might think of you), and within a month you will begin to consider each person familiar and safe.

I’m not talking about how your mood and appearance will improve.

In order to get more detailed about these habitWatch the video from Alexandra Posnova's channel. Beautiful Alexandra, thank you for such intelligent and reasonable advice!

https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=0JyG29VUqmU

I also recommend you to learn 5 habits that change your life. Everything that happens to us depends on our daily decisions. We can control what becomes part of us. So it's all in our hands!

“All right, smeared her lips with balm, lay down against the wall, raised her legs, drank water. I didn’t forget to smile in the mirror. From simple actions and small steps and consists of the way to yourself perfect! – told me about these tips a friend-psychologist.

What do you think it looks like? beautiful? By what signs can this be determined? Are you going to use these good habits in your life? I really want to read your opinion on this in the comments!


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