The Reason Women Leave Even Their Rich Home
Historically, for most young girls, a successful marriage and living in a big house is the main goal of all life. It would seem that what else is needed for happiness, besides a beloved husband and an established life?
However, today this trend is slowly disappearing. More and more ladies realize that no man can make their life happier than themselves.
And another confirmation of this was the story of one of our readers. Her story very clearly shows that even in a luxurious house to live sometimes is oh how not fun ...
Many family psychologists note with a smile that misallocated household responsibilities are perhaps the main reason why women require divorce more often than men.
And, of course, it's not about who washed dishes more often or dusted bookshelves last week. Rather, the question is whether domestic work and the responsibility for the improvement of life are equally distributed between the spouses as a whole. In the history of our heroine, this nuance became decisive.
My husband and I divorced yesterday. And you know, I want to say right away that this was the best decision I've ever made. I've never felt so happy before! After 20 years in a golden cage, the divorce was just a breath of fresh air.
To say that my friend surprised me is to say nothing. Although we did not communicate as often as we would like, we were still very close. Not even her mother knew much about her marriage. Perhaps that’s why she was so upset when she heard the news. She thought her daughter was happy. And in the end, this is how it all turned out...
All the relatives attacked the poor girl as soon as she informed them of her joyful event. They said, they say, lost her mind, the crisis that attacked, will pass - and calm down. How is it possible to leave such an enviable handsome man and leave such a palace?
And their house, I must say, was really gorgeous. It is difficult to call it an ordinary house, the palace is a palace. And two cars for a family. But their family consisted not only of two of them and children, but also of a whole horde of relatives on the part of the husband, who immediately settled with them in the same house.
Over the years, my wife turned into a free housekeeper. Make breakfast for one, clean the bedroom for the second, and serve the third.
In all this huge house, she worked like a bee day and night tirelessly. And at the same time, she managed to raise two children alone (the father once, he is always busy) and did not forget to earn more. And her relatives knew nothing, therefore they did not understand.
However, today this trend is slowly disappearing. More and more ladies realize that no man can make their life happier than themselves.
And another confirmation of this was the story of one of our readers. Her story very clearly shows that even in a luxurious house to live sometimes is oh how not fun ...
Many family psychologists note with a smile that misallocated household responsibilities are perhaps the main reason why women require divorce more often than men.
And, of course, it's not about who washed dishes more often or dusted bookshelves last week. Rather, the question is whether domestic work and the responsibility for the improvement of life are equally distributed between the spouses as a whole. In the history of our heroine, this nuance became decisive.
My husband and I divorced yesterday. And you know, I want to say right away that this was the best decision I've ever made. I've never felt so happy before! After 20 years in a golden cage, the divorce was just a breath of fresh air.
To say that my friend surprised me is to say nothing. Although we did not communicate as often as we would like, we were still very close. Not even her mother knew much about her marriage. Perhaps that’s why she was so upset when she heard the news. She thought her daughter was happy. And in the end, this is how it all turned out...
All the relatives attacked the poor girl as soon as she informed them of her joyful event. They said, they say, lost her mind, the crisis that attacked, will pass - and calm down. How is it possible to leave such an enviable handsome man and leave such a palace?
And their house, I must say, was really gorgeous. It is difficult to call it an ordinary house, the palace is a palace. And two cars for a family. But their family consisted not only of two of them and children, but also of a whole horde of relatives on the part of the husband, who immediately settled with them in the same house.
Over the years, my wife turned into a free housekeeper. Make breakfast for one, clean the bedroom for the second, and serve the third.
In all this huge house, she worked like a bee day and night tirelessly. And at the same time, she managed to raise two children alone (the father once, he is always busy) and did not forget to earn more. And her relatives knew nothing, therefore they did not understand.
Salad "Pulture", which was served at the second wedding of mother-in-law instead of "Olivier"
How does Karpachev know why men leave?