What did the wife justify herself by refusing her parental inheritance secretly from her husband?
Dividing an inheritance is an unpleasant process that can destroy (or significantly worsen) relations between close people. And the opportunity to get a conditional apartment or land by inheritance is often associated with the discontent of other applicants. A similar story happened to one of our subscribers.
I have an inheritance from my younger sister Galya. She was born late, and when she grew up, her parents were already pensioners and could not help her much. She married a neighbor and had three children. He's not a bad man, but how much can you earn in the village? Try to feed a large family with this money, says Alla.
When his parents were gone, Galya and her husband and children moved to live in the city. paternal. I was all for it. My husband, as well as my adult daughter and son, did not interfere in this. What they didn't know at the time was that I gave up my half of the inheritance in favor of my sister and helped re-register everything. But when I later told my relatives about it, a scandal broke out.
My husband hasn't spoken to me in a week. My daughter called several times a day to ask if I could reclaim my inheritance. The kids didn't understand how I could give my share to my sister instead of them. I didn't know how to be so petty and mean. They have everything they need.
Why did I do this? My husband and I live in a nearby village, we have a beautiful house, we recently bought a nice car. The husband cultivates the field with his technique, annually harvest a good harvest. Children live in the city. My son is married and my daughter is in college. They make money, and we help with money, because who else can we help?
I made the decision not to share my inheritance. What's there to share? This is an old house that needs to be renovated endlessly. Sell it for a couple of thousand that won't make any weather? Better let my sister live. My friends have disappointed me...
Now the husband constantly grumbles that the sister “robbed” parental property He doesn't want to talk to her. My arguments don't seem to work for him. I hope he comes to his senses over time. My relationship with my sister was excellent. I enjoy visiting and playing with kids. I am glad that I was able to help her, despite the disapproval of loved ones, said Alla.
It is a pity that such stories about inheritance are not uncommon. Dividing property so that everyone is happy with their share is difficult. And the refusal of inheritance by one of the applicants often causes misunderstanding in his environment.
So people face a choice: take as much as possible or keep a good relationship. And the choice of the latter option does not seem obvious and correct for everyone.
I am glad that today’s heroine made the right choice He helped the person who needed it most. However, relationships with adult children and husband are alarming. Probably, Alla suspected that the family would take her decision into bayonets if she hid everything until the last. But could she have done anything differently to her sister?

I have an inheritance from my younger sister Galya. She was born late, and when she grew up, her parents were already pensioners and could not help her much. She married a neighbor and had three children. He's not a bad man, but how much can you earn in the village? Try to feed a large family with this money, says Alla.

When his parents were gone, Galya and her husband and children moved to live in the city. paternal. I was all for it. My husband, as well as my adult daughter and son, did not interfere in this. What they didn't know at the time was that I gave up my half of the inheritance in favor of my sister and helped re-register everything. But when I later told my relatives about it, a scandal broke out.
My husband hasn't spoken to me in a week. My daughter called several times a day to ask if I could reclaim my inheritance. The kids didn't understand how I could give my share to my sister instead of them. I didn't know how to be so petty and mean. They have everything they need.

Why did I do this? My husband and I live in a nearby village, we have a beautiful house, we recently bought a nice car. The husband cultivates the field with his technique, annually harvest a good harvest. Children live in the city. My son is married and my daughter is in college. They make money, and we help with money, because who else can we help?

I made the decision not to share my inheritance. What's there to share? This is an old house that needs to be renovated endlessly. Sell it for a couple of thousand that won't make any weather? Better let my sister live. My friends have disappointed me...
Now the husband constantly grumbles that the sister “robbed” parental property He doesn't want to talk to her. My arguments don't seem to work for him. I hope he comes to his senses over time. My relationship with my sister was excellent. I enjoy visiting and playing with kids. I am glad that I was able to help her, despite the disapproval of loved ones, said Alla.

It is a pity that such stories about inheritance are not uncommon. Dividing property so that everyone is happy with their share is difficult. And the refusal of inheritance by one of the applicants often causes misunderstanding in his environment.
So people face a choice: take as much as possible or keep a good relationship. And the choice of the latter option does not seem obvious and correct for everyone.

I am glad that today’s heroine made the right choice He helped the person who needed it most. However, relationships with adult children and husband are alarming. Probably, Alla suspected that the family would take her decision into bayonets if she hid everything until the last. But could she have done anything differently to her sister?
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