Why you should not trust even the closest people and be fascinated by them
Human nature is multifaceted. Sadhguru knows this better than anyone else. He is often asked questions about morality. Should we judge a person by his actions? Which is more important: action or inner essence? Characteristics of morality will always concern humanity. It is good that there is a guru who will help us to understand this.
Sadhguru advises to carefully divide moral features innermost. Not only for those around you, but also for yourself. Our actions and what we actually think are often very different. It's not always good.
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Silverwood Lake, California. In the span of a week, Sadhguru has traveled from the Rocky Mountains to the San Bernardino Mountains, crossing a beautifully diverse terrain of rolling hills, rising mountains, and descending valleys. #RideWithSadhguru #SilverwoodLake
A post shared by Sadhguru (@sadhguru) on Oct 14, 2020 at 12:17am PDT
The guru asks us to pay special attention to what we say. Namely, the three main words of politeness: “thank you”, “please” and “sorry”. These words are the most important indicators of our sincerity and the balance of our internal and external attitudes.
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All that truly matters in life is profoundness of eperience and impact of activity. #SadhguruQuotes #Sadhguru #Life #Yoga #Spirituality #Guru #Eperience #Qotd
A post shared by Sadhguru (@sadhguru) on Oct 13, 2020 at 8:10pm PDT
The guru is sure that most of us say these words automatically, simply because we are used to doing them. Words do not come from the depths of our soul, they just flash in our speech, like words-parasites. Sadhguru says you shouldn’t say these words if you don’t really feel their response inside.
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To be a human being means to know how to be. Something or someone should not determine your way of being. #SadhguruQuotes #Sadhguru #Yoga #Spirituality #Guru #Life #Qotd
A post shared by Sadhguru (@sadhguru) on Oct 7, 2020 at 7:50pm PDT
You don’t have to say “sorry” all the time. This is what some people do, and it is because of such careless handling of the word that its meaning is erased and it loses its value. The same can be said for “thank you” and “please”.
People often use the above words, but their actions contradictory. For example, we say, “Please, can I take this” and grab it ourselves without waiting for permission.
The guru believes that moral societies are inherently wrong. After all, it is in such cases that people outwardly do what seems to be right, but inside each person everything is not so.
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Education in its true sense should be a tool to epand human perception and consciousness, not produce cogs for the larger machine. #SadhguruQuotes #WorldTeachersDay #Sadhguru #Education #Consciousness #Yoga #Spirituality #Guru #Qotd
A post shared by Sadhguru (@sadhguru) on Oct 4, 2020 at 7:46pm PDT
How to determine the level of spiritual development of a person? It's not that hard. It is the inner development of man that makes him softer and more receptive, not condemning and criticizing everyone and everything. If the above words of politeness come from this loving and gentle nature of a person, we can safely speak of his high level of spiritual development.
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Every creature on the planet holds its life phenomenally precious, not just human beings. #SadhguruQuotes #WorldAnimalWelfareDay #Sadhguru #Animals #Life #Yoga #Qotd
A post shared by Sadhguru (@sadhguru) on Oct 3, 2020 at 8:46pm PDT
Another important point of development is to learn to accept. Acceptance is part of our transformationAccording to Sadhguru. When a person ceases to perceive everyone separately from himself and everything around him becomes part of him, he has no desire to endlessly repeat all these “thank you”, “please” and “sorry”.
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Without discrimination of caste, religion, gender, or race, we want to offer a spiritual process to every human being on the planet. A #ConsciousPlanet - the way forward. #SadhguruQuotes #Sadhguru #Yoga #Spirituality #Guru #Discrimination #Qotd
A post shared by Sadhguru (@sadhguru) on Sep 27, 2020 at 8:25pm PDT
Sadhguru says he is tough on everyone. That is how he treats himself. It does not take into account certain moral norms, but acts only as the situation requires. It is this paradigm of behavior that will be most effective and correct.
Sadhguru advises to carefully divide moral features innermost. Not only for those around you, but also for yourself. Our actions and what we actually think are often very different. It's not always good.
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Silverwood Lake, California. In the span of a week, Sadhguru has traveled from the Rocky Mountains to the San Bernardino Mountains, crossing a beautifully diverse terrain of rolling hills, rising mountains, and descending valleys. #RideWithSadhguru #SilverwoodLake
A post shared by Sadhguru (@sadhguru) on Oct 14, 2020 at 12:17am PDT
The guru asks us to pay special attention to what we say. Namely, the three main words of politeness: “thank you”, “please” and “sorry”. These words are the most important indicators of our sincerity and the balance of our internal and external attitudes.
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All that truly matters in life is profoundness of eperience and impact of activity. #SadhguruQuotes #Sadhguru #Life #Yoga #Spirituality #Guru #Eperience #Qotd
A post shared by Sadhguru (@sadhguru) on Oct 13, 2020 at 8:10pm PDT
The guru is sure that most of us say these words automatically, simply because we are used to doing them. Words do not come from the depths of our soul, they just flash in our speech, like words-parasites. Sadhguru says you shouldn’t say these words if you don’t really feel their response inside.
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To be a human being means to know how to be. Something or someone should not determine your way of being. #SadhguruQuotes #Sadhguru #Yoga #Spirituality #Guru #Life #Qotd
A post shared by Sadhguru (@sadhguru) on Oct 7, 2020 at 7:50pm PDT
You don’t have to say “sorry” all the time. This is what some people do, and it is because of such careless handling of the word that its meaning is erased and it loses its value. The same can be said for “thank you” and “please”.
People often use the above words, but their actions contradictory. For example, we say, “Please, can I take this” and grab it ourselves without waiting for permission.
The guru believes that moral societies are inherently wrong. After all, it is in such cases that people outwardly do what seems to be right, but inside each person everything is not so.
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Education in its true sense should be a tool to epand human perception and consciousness, not produce cogs for the larger machine. #SadhguruQuotes #WorldTeachersDay #Sadhguru #Education #Consciousness #Yoga #Spirituality #Guru #Qotd
A post shared by Sadhguru (@sadhguru) on Oct 4, 2020 at 7:46pm PDT
How to determine the level of spiritual development of a person? It's not that hard. It is the inner development of man that makes him softer and more receptive, not condemning and criticizing everyone and everything. If the above words of politeness come from this loving and gentle nature of a person, we can safely speak of his high level of spiritual development.
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Every creature on the planet holds its life phenomenally precious, not just human beings. #SadhguruQuotes #WorldAnimalWelfareDay #Sadhguru #Animals #Life #Yoga #Qotd
A post shared by Sadhguru (@sadhguru) on Oct 3, 2020 at 8:46pm PDT
Another important point of development is to learn to accept. Acceptance is part of our transformationAccording to Sadhguru. When a person ceases to perceive everyone separately from himself and everything around him becomes part of him, he has no desire to endlessly repeat all these “thank you”, “please” and “sorry”.
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Without discrimination of caste, religion, gender, or race, we want to offer a spiritual process to every human being on the planet. A #ConsciousPlanet - the way forward. #SadhguruQuotes #Sadhguru #Yoga #Spirituality #Guru #Discrimination #Qotd
A post shared by Sadhguru (@sadhguru) on Sep 27, 2020 at 8:25pm PDT
Sadhguru says he is tough on everyone. That is how he treats himself. It does not take into account certain moral norms, but acts only as the situation requires. It is this paradigm of behavior that will be most effective and correct.
Why Good People Suffer Often and Do Nothing
The story of the mother-in-law, who pushed her grandson for two weeks and scolded that she was not raising him correctly