Why priest Andrei Tkachev is sorry for women who want to get married

A girl who at least once burned in a love relationship, sometimes with fear looks at other men. Moreover, the older the woman, the more often in her head the question arises: “How to find the one?” Of course, no one has yet come up with an exclusively working scheme. But everyone says this: psychologists, astrologers, and even priests. For example, Archpriest Andrei Tkachev outlined the main signifying. I wonder if you'd agree with him.

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Friendship between a man and a woman is a dubious thing. Maybe it exists, but I don’t believe in it. A woman, even if she's friends with you and talks about Brahms, still wants to marry you. The subconscious is already making plans. A man can just be friends. They have different attitudes to the problem of creating a family. Therefore, a girl and a boy do not need to be friends at all. You have to call things what they are. The man must understand that the girl will still want to get married. If he doesn’t understand it, he shouldn’t waste his time. Otherwise, they will talk about Brahms until old age. Archpriest Andrei Tkachev #AndreyTkachev #friendship #woman #man

A post shared by Orthodox mom and wife (@pravoslavnaya_jena) on Oct 16, 2020 at 2:13am PDT

The priest pities girls and women, because they want to marry, and there is no one to marry. Potential husbands of the sea, and bad choice. Tkachev noticed an interesting trend. Girls younger (18 years) pay more attention to the appearance of the guy and dreamy of what he should be. Older women (25 years) first want to know the status and profession of men. And women in their 30s start asking themselves, "Well, where is he, where can I find him?"

Protopriest is sure that the craving of women to marry foreigners is quite normal: “Well, what to do if there are not enough normal men?” So the poor come out for Americans, Turks or Europeans.”

Very often women come up with some strange things. selection. Unfortunately, they do not always work. For example, a deeply religious woman wants her husband to be a believer. It's an understandable wish. But do not forget that faith in God does not guarantee that a man will not be stupid, walking or lazy.

© Freepik Moreover, the priest in principle disbelief that in our time can be found faithful. “Where are they all? Some on football gobbles, others empty glass after glass in bars. And the Orthodox do not see! – says Andrei Tkachev.

Protopriest is often asked how to choose a husband. Over the years, the priest has determined 4 main criteriaIt will help any woman find the right man.

  1. First of all, A loving man should want children.. The priest believes that this is the main sign that a person is healthy both physically and mentally. Men often ask their wives to live a few years without children. And then you can think about having a baby. For the archpriest this is also unacceptable.

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  2. A good husband should be job. To provide for the family, he must earn accordingly. Money should be enough for housing, and food, and children's things, and personal needs. It is very important that a man is not lazy. Such people are dreamy, windy and not used to work. Therefore, marriage with such a person will not be strong and happy.

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  3. Another criterion is absence of any bad habits. They destroy not only the person, but even the strongest relationships. Wives often re-educate their husbands. However, as a rule, this does not lead to anything and can only aggravate the problem.

  4. A real man would never pressure a woman to do anything on a first date. He, on the contrary, must be sensitive and caring. Listening to the wishes of his chosen one, a man will be able to dispose of the lady to himself. This is how trust is built in relationships.

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What are they? signifying You define? Perhaps you are close to the point of view of priest Andrei Tkachev. It will be great to hear your opinion on this. After all, the topic of marriage remains out of time and does not lose its relevance. We'll see you in the comments!


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