Where to put rubber bands for money, if they are not busy fixing bills
Stationery rubber bands, or, as they are also called, rubber bands for money, were invented in 1844 by the English inventor Stephen Perry. Initially, they were only used to fasten securities pages and attach prescriptions to drug bottles.
But over time, the range of tasks for elastic assistants has become much wider. People realized that such a seemingly trifle can solve hundreds of different household problems. We will introduce you to some of them now.
So that the clothes do not slip off the hanger, fasten on the ends of the shoulders of the rubber band. This will prevent clothes from slipping off them.
Add rubber bands on the ends of hangers to prevent clothes from slipping off. from r/lifehack
The modern two-chamber tea bag with a thread and a label was invented in 1950 by the German company Teekanne. It was supposed to make making tea comfortable.
But what to do when the label tries to be in a cup of tea? Next time, before pouring boiling water, fasten the thread with a label on the cup with a rubber band.
Ordinary gums for money with a slight movement of the hand turn into convenient bookmarks.
Going to cover the nails with varnish, but the lid dried up and the fingers slide on its surface? Useful gums will help you in this case.
Wrap a few things around the cap. This will keep your fingers from slipping, and you will easily open the lid.
It is no secret that small children (and small cats) love to tear everything. In order not to clean the bathroom again, resourceful parents offer to fix a roll of paper with stationery gum.
Almost identical bubbles with drugs can cause real confusion. To avoid this will help colorful rubber bands. Wrap them in bottles and you won't mix them up.
Virtually identical bottles messing you up? Put different colored rubber bands around the caps. from r/lifehacks
Conventional stationery gums will help you learn to eat sushi and rolls with chopsticks. And how to make training sticks for sushi with your own hands at home will tell our article.
You'll need stationery gum, food film and a small jar. Fill it with sliced fruit, vinegar or jam. Cover the film and fasten it with a rubber band.
At the top of the film, make some holes so that flies can get in. So insects will be able to get to their favorite delicacy, but they will not be able to get out.
How not to spill vegetable oil Vegetable oil has an interesting property. No matter how you try to transfuse it carefully, it will definitely be on the neck of the bottle. As a result, a bottle in oil, hands in oil and even the entire kitchen shelf in oil.
No more greasy hands or counters My boyfriend does this. from r/lifehacks
But creative thought does not stand still. How to cope with the problem, knows Reddit user with the nickname heckingoodthyme. All you need is a napkin and stationery gum.
Is there a phone holder in your car? Replace it with stationery gum.
So you don't want the paint spilled. Stretch a paint jar around and wipe the brush over it. So the paint will not spill, and everything around will remain clean.
Patterns for Easter Eggs Wrapped rubber bands around the eggs, creating original patterns. Put the eggs in dye water, wait until they get the desired hue.
Carefully remove the eggs from the water and remove the rubber bands. Wipe with a paper towel the remains of the paint from the eggs. Colored geometric patterns will fit any Easter composition and will look good in the basket and on the table.
As you can see, elastic assistants have the potential to solve a variety of household issues. From kitchen to wardrobe and toolbox. Universal gums are subject to everything!

But over time, the range of tasks for elastic assistants has become much wider. People realized that such a seemingly trifle can solve hundreds of different household problems. We will introduce you to some of them now.
So that the clothes do not slip off the hanger, fasten on the ends of the shoulders of the rubber band. This will prevent clothes from slipping off them.
Add rubber bands on the ends of hangers to prevent clothes from slipping off. from r/lifehack
The modern two-chamber tea bag with a thread and a label was invented in 1950 by the German company Teekanne. It was supposed to make making tea comfortable.

But what to do when the label tries to be in a cup of tea? Next time, before pouring boiling water, fasten the thread with a label on the cup with a rubber band.
Ordinary gums for money with a slight movement of the hand turn into convenient bookmarks.

Going to cover the nails with varnish, but the lid dried up and the fingers slide on its surface? Useful gums will help you in this case.

Wrap a few things around the cap. This will keep your fingers from slipping, and you will easily open the lid.
It is no secret that small children (and small cats) love to tear everything. In order not to clean the bathroom again, resourceful parents offer to fix a roll of paper with stationery gum.

Almost identical bubbles with drugs can cause real confusion. To avoid this will help colorful rubber bands. Wrap them in bottles and you won't mix them up.
Virtually identical bottles messing you up? Put different colored rubber bands around the caps. from r/lifehacks
Conventional stationery gums will help you learn to eat sushi and rolls with chopsticks. And how to make training sticks for sushi with your own hands at home will tell our article.

You'll need stationery gum, food film and a small jar. Fill it with sliced fruit, vinegar or jam. Cover the film and fasten it with a rubber band.

At the top of the film, make some holes so that flies can get in. So insects will be able to get to their favorite delicacy, but they will not be able to get out.
How not to spill vegetable oil Vegetable oil has an interesting property. No matter how you try to transfuse it carefully, it will definitely be on the neck of the bottle. As a result, a bottle in oil, hands in oil and even the entire kitchen shelf in oil.
No more greasy hands or counters My boyfriend does this. from r/lifehacks
But creative thought does not stand still. How to cope with the problem, knows Reddit user with the nickname heckingoodthyme. All you need is a napkin and stationery gum.
Is there a phone holder in your car? Replace it with stationery gum.

So you don't want the paint spilled. Stretch a paint jar around and wipe the brush over it. So the paint will not spill, and everything around will remain clean.

Patterns for Easter Eggs Wrapped rubber bands around the eggs, creating original patterns. Put the eggs in dye water, wait until they get the desired hue.

Carefully remove the eggs from the water and remove the rubber bands. Wipe with a paper towel the remains of the paint from the eggs. Colored geometric patterns will fit any Easter composition and will look good in the basket and on the table.
As you can see, elastic assistants have the potential to solve a variety of household issues. From kitchen to wardrobe and toolbox. Universal gums are subject to everything!
Mark Zuckerberg’s predictions that a peek into the future of mankind in ten years
An instructive story about a small father-in-law who counted every match in the house