Things that foreigners do not buy, and we take for a nice soul
If you ever decide to pretend to be a foreigner, having previously honed your acting skills, you will still get something out of your head. It will probably be a national mentality. There are a number of things that one people delight in, but another does not understand. Editorial "Site" He will tell you what favorite things of a person from our latitudes cause only bewilderment among foreigners.
Below you will find a selection of favorite things from 6 thingsThey have long been in our habitual life, but in other countries they will be perceived as foreign.
Buckwheat porridge In Europe and in the day with fire you will not find the favorite many of our people buckwheat porridge. As a rule, it can be purchased only in pharmaceutical institutions. Why is it there? Buckwheat porridge perfectly nourishes the body with vitamins, therefore medicinal means. It is recommended to use it dosed.
From one memory of fragrant kebabs on a sunny day on the soul gets warmer, right? For us, meat cooked on skewers is an integral part of the May holidays. However, in other countries, it is more likely to find a grille than a grille well known to us.
Who among us does not like to snap sunflower seeds? This fascinating activity is still common both in villages and in urban areas. At the same time, in other countries as a light snack, people tend to choose peanuts or popcorn, and if seeds, then only pumpkin.
So historically, our people often give each other toys for winter holidays, symbolizing the patron of the new year. But foreigners are not so keen on the Chinese calendar, and therefore usually give loved ones more personalized gifts.
The greatest demand we have household and baby soap. It is with them that we have not parted since the days of the Land of Soviets. Foreigners do not understand the love of these hygiene products. Recently abroad is gaining popularity liquid-soap. It is believed that it, unlike a piece, can not remain bacteria. But, of course, there are some people, for various reasons, choose a piece of soap.
This item we actively use in the kitchen when you need to wash something or drain water after cooking. In other countries, the technology is slightly different. There, many people like to make sauces based on the water left after cooking pasta. For this reason, instead of a dummy, prefer forceps. With their help, spaghetti is transferred to another container, and the water is left for the sauce.
What would you add to this list? Boldly shared with us in the comments. Good luck!

Below you will find a selection of favorite things from 6 thingsThey have long been in our habitual life, but in other countries they will be perceived as foreign.
Buckwheat porridge In Europe and in the day with fire you will not find the favorite many of our people buckwheat porridge. As a rule, it can be purchased only in pharmaceutical institutions. Why is it there? Buckwheat porridge perfectly nourishes the body with vitamins, therefore medicinal means. It is recommended to use it dosed.

From one memory of fragrant kebabs on a sunny day on the soul gets warmer, right? For us, meat cooked on skewers is an integral part of the May holidays. However, in other countries, it is more likely to find a grille than a grille well known to us.

Who among us does not like to snap sunflower seeds? This fascinating activity is still common both in villages and in urban areas. At the same time, in other countries as a light snack, people tend to choose peanuts or popcorn, and if seeds, then only pumpkin.

So historically, our people often give each other toys for winter holidays, symbolizing the patron of the new year. But foreigners are not so keen on the Chinese calendar, and therefore usually give loved ones more personalized gifts.

The greatest demand we have household and baby soap. It is with them that we have not parted since the days of the Land of Soviets. Foreigners do not understand the love of these hygiene products. Recently abroad is gaining popularity liquid-soap. It is believed that it, unlike a piece, can not remain bacteria. But, of course, there are some people, for various reasons, choose a piece of soap.

This item we actively use in the kitchen when you need to wash something or drain water after cooking. In other countries, the technology is slightly different. There, many people like to make sauces based on the water left after cooking pasta. For this reason, instead of a dummy, prefer forceps. With their help, spaghetti is transferred to another container, and the water is left for the sauce.

What would you add to this list? Boldly shared with us in the comments. Good luck!
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