The story of the granddaughter who came to my grandmother and washed all the old Soviet dishes
Even the most experienced hostess can forget that porridge is cooked on the stove. And when she reminds herself of the pungent smell of burning, the thought appears in her head: “How to wash dishes to shine without spending a lot of time?” However, this applies not only to burnt pots, but also other kitchen utensils.
Today's edition. "Site" will share with you 3 useful tips on how to clean the dishes from dirt without unnecessary effort. We hope that they will take a worthy place in the piggy bank of your life hacks!
First of all, let's solve the problem with burnt food leftovers. As a rule, housewives soak such dishes, and only then it is washed. But why waste too much time? It's very simple here! Pour into a pan of hot water, and then add 1 tbsp of dish detergent.
Place the pot on a medium fire and boil the mixture. To get a good result, it will take you about 15 minutes. Then just remove the leftover food and wash the dishes again. If somewhere you can not cope with nasty dirt, use an ordinary metal sponge.
How to wash dishes without chemicals I am increasingly thinking about how to stop using household chemicals altogether. For a while I washed dishes with natural soap. This is a healthy alternative, but not the most budgetary. Here. citric acid They don't hit your pocket at all!
These simple products do a great job of cleaning dishes from aluminum or stainless steel. For example, with citric acid. can be removed from the kettle. Then add water and water to it and then boil it. Next, wash the kettle with ordinary running water. In addition, baking soda copes with this type of pollution.
With the help of citric acid, you can get rid of fat. For example, you need to clean a pot of old dirt. Just pour 1 liter of water into it, then add 1 tbsp of citric acid and 120 ml of vinegar. Boil the liquid and then wash the dishes under running water.
In general, citric acid. versatile. It is used for bleaching and disinfecting surfaces, as well as cleaning the washing machine or oven. Tell me, do you use it? If so, in what cases?
How to clean a pan of sodium With sodium will help to cope with ordinary mustard. To do this, put the pan on the stove and let it heat up. Next, gently sprinkle the bottom of the pan with powder so that it covers all the coal. It will be enough 1-2 tbsp. l. funds. Turn off the fire and let the pot stand for about 10 minutes. When it is a little left, wipe the contamination with a hard wet sponge.
Mustard powder works like fat-solving. Therefore, it is suitable for any dishes or surfaces. For example, it can be used to remove the plaque. To do this, mix 2-3 tbsp. l of powder with boiling water, and then lower the dishes in the resulting liquid for 1 hour. Then wash the dishes under running water.
Once upon a time, these life hacks helped me cope with dirty dishes at my grandmother’s cottage. Grandma never recognized detergents, always in the old-fashioned way: washcloth made with her own hands, and soda. But, unfortunately, it does not cope with all pollution. That's when citric acid, mustard powder and vinegar went into use. Beloved ba was delighted!
By the way, this is not all possible cleaning products that can be made with your own hands. We invite you to familiarize yourself with other options. For example, tea tree oil in combination with water perfectly copes with mold, and olive oil and vinegar are suitable for polishing furniture.
Tell us in the comments, what means are you used to cleaning dishes and cleaning the house? Let's share our life hacks with each other!

Today's edition. "Site" will share with you 3 useful tips on how to clean the dishes from dirt without unnecessary effort. We hope that they will take a worthy place in the piggy bank of your life hacks!
First of all, let's solve the problem with burnt food leftovers. As a rule, housewives soak such dishes, and only then it is washed. But why waste too much time? It's very simple here! Pour into a pan of hot water, and then add 1 tbsp of dish detergent.

Place the pot on a medium fire and boil the mixture. To get a good result, it will take you about 15 minutes. Then just remove the leftover food and wash the dishes again. If somewhere you can not cope with nasty dirt, use an ordinary metal sponge.
How to wash dishes without chemicals I am increasingly thinking about how to stop using household chemicals altogether. For a while I washed dishes with natural soap. This is a healthy alternative, but not the most budgetary. Here. citric acid They don't hit your pocket at all!

These simple products do a great job of cleaning dishes from aluminum or stainless steel. For example, with citric acid. can be removed from the kettle. Then add water and water to it and then boil it. Next, wash the kettle with ordinary running water. In addition, baking soda copes with this type of pollution.
With the help of citric acid, you can get rid of fat. For example, you need to clean a pot of old dirt. Just pour 1 liter of water into it, then add 1 tbsp of citric acid and 120 ml of vinegar. Boil the liquid and then wash the dishes under running water.

In general, citric acid. versatile. It is used for bleaching and disinfecting surfaces, as well as cleaning the washing machine or oven. Tell me, do you use it? If so, in what cases?
How to clean a pan of sodium With sodium will help to cope with ordinary mustard. To do this, put the pan on the stove and let it heat up. Next, gently sprinkle the bottom of the pan with powder so that it covers all the coal. It will be enough 1-2 tbsp. l. funds. Turn off the fire and let the pot stand for about 10 minutes. When it is a little left, wipe the contamination with a hard wet sponge.

Mustard powder works like fat-solving. Therefore, it is suitable for any dishes or surfaces. For example, it can be used to remove the plaque. To do this, mix 2-3 tbsp. l of powder with boiling water, and then lower the dishes in the resulting liquid for 1 hour. Then wash the dishes under running water.

Once upon a time, these life hacks helped me cope with dirty dishes at my grandmother’s cottage. Grandma never recognized detergents, always in the old-fashioned way: washcloth made with her own hands, and soda. But, unfortunately, it does not cope with all pollution. That's when citric acid, mustard powder and vinegar went into use. Beloved ba was delighted!
By the way, this is not all possible cleaning products that can be made with your own hands. We invite you to familiarize yourself with other options. For example, tea tree oil in combination with water perfectly copes with mold, and olive oil and vinegar are suitable for polishing furniture.
Tell us in the comments, what means are you used to cleaning dishes and cleaning the house? Let's share our life hacks with each other!
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