What to do if the mother does not like to clean and suffers from savings

What causes a constant mess in the apartment and how to defeat it alone, if relatives do not help with cleaning? That's what the editorial board is about. "Site" I suggest we talk today.

We will share the story of our reader and try to find a way out of the predicament in which she found herself. We would be grateful if you would recommend your solution in the comments!

Many friends laugh at my problem, believing that I invented it from scratch. However, in the current situation, they do not see a special problem. I just hate to be in my house, because the level of cleanliness in it reaches almost zero.

The thing is, no matter how much I clean up, all my efforts eventually come to naught. And no amount of cleaning frequency helps to fix this situation. After all, I live not alone, but with my mother, and she is a real Plyushkin.

I have long accepted that cleaning is entirely my responsibility. But recently it has become impossible to carry it out. As soon as I'm going to get rid of all the junk I don't need, my mom's gonna throw a tantrum. In the end, I just give up and the house is filled with garbage.

I don't know what to do anymore. I cannot and do not want to continue to live in a constant mess, and I do not have the opportunity to move so far.

The situation described above is indeed not easy. First of all, you need to understand that you can cope with it only if you have patience and be unwavering in your desire to fix everything.

Judging by the story, things that our heroine considers junk are important to her mother. For a mother, these things are an integral part of her comfort. So her violent protest at being unceremoniously thrown out is understandable.

The best way to do this is to find a middle ground between two comfort zones: mother and daughter. For example, the daughter can first calmly discuss the problem with her mother and try to negotiate with her about small concessions.

You should also help your mother determine what things are extremely important to her, and without which she can still do. It is important to act gradually. Excessive haste and impatience can only make things worse.

And after freeing the space from unnecessary things, you need to try to maintain the house in an acceptable condition.


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