Sandwich panels: high-quality material for frame construction
Fifty three million eighty one thousand six hundred twenty two
The framing construction technology is actively used in the construction of residential low-rise facilities, technical facilities, commercial buildings. The main material are the sandwich panels, sandwich slabs with insulation. They are going with a special tool joints and are vertical, horizontal or slanted. Their purpose are:
Features prelestnuyu wall panels can be:
Outside construction is covered with a layer of galvanized or plastic paint to protect it from damage, contact with moisture. The thickness of the sheet can be 0,5-0,8 mm and overall width of the finished design – from 1 meter. The width of the sandwich panels can be selected individually for each project. In the same way is determined and the thickness of the future walls or partitions – 30 to 250 mm.
Wall panels can be installed smoothly in both horizontal and vertical position and angle. Some of them do a flooring for floors, equip floor. Such designs are ideal for installation Perestenko or fences with a property of insulation.
What is the difference between roofing panelin the arrangement of the roof always have been high insulation requirements. This is especially true of the residential areas and office buildings. Therefore, the roofing panels are using:
For their production are used cold-rolled steel sheets with a periodic profile and an additional coating of molten zinc. Blanks are painted with polymeric paint, which further protects the metal from corrosion. The finished structure safely withstand the gusts of wind, heavy rains, do not freeze even at low temperatures.
The choice of insulation sleasman modern material is penopolistirola PIR. It is quite elastic, is safe in terms of poiurovskaia and practically does not conduct heat. It is environmentally friendly and durable. Eliminates the process of decay, but is afraid of the sun.
Similar properties penopoliuretana. But, its drawback is the increased risk of fire. Such material retains its shape during operation and is not exposed to corrosion.
The most inexpensive option of insulation – mineral wool. Its main advantage is incombustibility. But the downside is the ability to absorb moisture. Therefore, the material requires a good isolation from contact with the evaporation water.
The framing construction technology is actively used in the construction of residential low-rise facilities, technical facilities, commercial buildings. The main material are the sandwich panels, sandwich slabs with insulation. They are going with a special tool joints and are vertical, horizontal or slanted. Their purpose are:
- wall;
- roofing.

Features prelestnuyu wall panels can be:
- profiled;
- smooth;
- decorative.
Outside construction is covered with a layer of galvanized or plastic paint to protect it from damage, contact with moisture. The thickness of the sheet can be 0,5-0,8 mm and overall width of the finished design – from 1 meter. The width of the sandwich panels can be selected individually for each project. In the same way is determined and the thickness of the future walls or partitions – 30 to 250 mm.
Wall panels can be installed smoothly in both horizontal and vertical position and angle. Some of them do a flooring for floors, equip floor. Such designs are ideal for installation Perestenko or fences with a property of insulation.

What is the difference between roofing panelin the arrangement of the roof always have been high insulation requirements. This is especially true of the residential areas and office buildings. Therefore, the roofing panels are using:
- high-quality insulation;
- specially made of profiled sheet.
For their production are used cold-rolled steel sheets with a periodic profile and an additional coating of molten zinc. Blanks are painted with polymeric paint, which further protects the metal from corrosion. The finished structure safely withstand the gusts of wind, heavy rains, do not freeze even at low temperatures.
The choice of insulation sleasman modern material is penopolistirola PIR. It is quite elastic, is safe in terms of poiurovskaia and practically does not conduct heat. It is environmentally friendly and durable. Eliminates the process of decay, but is afraid of the sun.
Similar properties penopoliuretana. But, its drawback is the increased risk of fire. Such material retains its shape during operation and is not exposed to corrosion.
The most inexpensive option of insulation – mineral wool. Its main advantage is incombustibility. But the downside is the ability to absorb moisture. Therefore, the material requires a good isolation from contact with the evaporation water.
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