Specifics of the real estate market in Kaluga
Forty two million six hundred seventy eight thousand thirty four
Kaluga — the regional center, the population reaches 400,000, it is located in the European part of the country. He attracts the residents of the region, neighboring regions. They are the main buyers / sellers of real estate.
The market is influenced by many factors, including the proximity to the capital. If you compare it with the new borders of Moscow, the distance to town is just 80 km away. More about the factors affecting the real estate of Kaluga, dynamics, prospects can be found on the website https://kaluga.etagi.com/vtorichnoe/ where collected all comprehensive information.
Features of the market
If you speak the language of figures, as at the end of July 2018, the average price per square meter is almost 56 000. It changes depending on whether we are talking about one, two or three bedroom apartment. There are objects in the "curiosities": and four others. The cost per square meter in Kaluga is higher than in many other regions. This is not surprising, because the effect of the proximity to the Russian capital. Features:
Other features of the market in Kaluga
There are also seasonal fluctuations, but they are small, within 0.5% over the week. However, if we talk about the multi-room objects, then for one week in July 2018 price of one square meter fell sharply by almost 8%, breaking a record.
On the market there are secondary options and Fund a new building. Many people buy apartments, already living in the city, but wanting to expand, to improve their living conditions. Someone moves out of the area because in the city there are more opportunities for study, entertainment, work. Here there are public and private educational institutions, boarding schools, specialized educational institutions, almost two dozen colleges, schools, colleges, and more than 10 higher education institutions, including Academy of national economy, a theological Seminary, law Academy, Academy of transport, international law Institute, financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation and many others.
Kaluga — the regional center, the population reaches 400,000, it is located in the European part of the country. He attracts the residents of the region, neighboring regions. They are the main buyers / sellers of real estate.

The market is influenced by many factors, including the proximity to the capital. If you compare it with the new borders of Moscow, the distance to town is just 80 km away. More about the factors affecting the real estate of Kaluga, dynamics, prospects can be found on the website https://kaluga.etagi.com/vtorichnoe/ where collected all comprehensive information.

Features of the market
If you speak the language of figures, as at the end of July 2018, the average price per square meter is almost 56 000. It changes depending on whether we are talking about one, two or three bedroom apartment. There are objects in the "curiosities": and four others. The cost per square meter in Kaluga is higher than in many other regions. This is not surprising, because the effect of the proximity to the Russian capital. Features:
- As of the end of July 2018 in the databases of real estate agencies are 22 000 flats, the total value of which exceeds 62 billion rubles.
- A big part of the two objects, the volume of which almost 41% of all apartments. And this is the Kaluga is a little different from other cities, where traditionally lead "odnushki".
- In Kaluga they occupy 37% of the market, but the volume of "treshek" is very small, it does not hold up to 20%. And this situation is also different from the situation in other regional centers, where the gap is not so significant.
- Traditionally a small amount is a multi-room objects, their share does not exceed 3%.
- Most expensive the average cost of a square meter in one-room facilities, it exceeds 57 000. In the second place the cost of a "square" in "kopeck piece", which is below 2 000. In the third place the cost of the squares in the "treshka", which is about 54 000. Low price in the category "curiosities".
Other features of the market in Kaluga
There are also seasonal fluctuations, but they are small, within 0.5% over the week. However, if we talk about the multi-room objects, then for one week in July 2018 price of one square meter fell sharply by almost 8%, breaking a record.
On the market there are secondary options and Fund a new building. Many people buy apartments, already living in the city, but wanting to expand, to improve their living conditions. Someone moves out of the area because in the city there are more opportunities for study, entertainment, work. Here there are public and private educational institutions, boarding schools, specialized educational institutions, almost two dozen colleges, schools, colleges, and more than 10 higher education institutions, including Academy of national economy, a theological Seminary, law Academy, Academy of transport, international law Institute, financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation and many others.
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