What you need to know about real estate in Yalutorovsk
Thirty million seven hundred seventy three thousand five hundred thirty seven
The city of Yalutorovsk relatively small town in the Tyumen region, located on the left Bank of the Tobol river. Today, its population is 40,000 people, growth. So far, the apartments here are relatively inexpensive compared to larger regional centers.
The total area of the city just over 5 acres, the nearest major city of Tyumen. Leaves its signets and specificity, in 1970, Yalutorovsk was recognized as an historic area of Russia. Therefore, most of the square — area cultural, historical significance, museums under the open sky. This specific, of course, affects the real estate market. Read more about the proposals on the real estate market Yalutorovsk on the site https://yalutorovsk.etagi.com/realty/, which contains all the necessary information.
What you need to know about real estate in Yalutorovsk
As in all of Russia, there is special demand for standard size and layout objects: one, two, three. To date, standard one-bedroom apartment in the centre can be bought inexpensively for just 1 million rubles. Two are from one and a half million and three-about 2 million rubles. We are talking about the Central, traditionally the most prestigious areas. Other features:
Other features
Not to say that the climate of the Tyumen region too favorable. So come here mostly young people, families with children. The distance from Tyumen is 72 km away, are Often users that are unable, due to the obvious high cost to afford the purchase of square meters in Tyumen, go to the middle suburbs. The situation is similar with Moscow and suburbs.
As one of the available options can be viewed and Yalutorovsk, moreover, that has good transport links to Tyumen and other cities in the region.
The city of Yalutorovsk relatively small town in the Tyumen region, located on the left Bank of the Tobol river. Today, its population is 40,000 people, growth. So far, the apartments here are relatively inexpensive compared to larger regional centers.
The total area of the city just over 5 acres, the nearest major city of Tyumen. Leaves its signets and specificity, in 1970, Yalutorovsk was recognized as an historic area of Russia. Therefore, most of the square — area cultural, historical significance, museums under the open sky. This specific, of course, affects the real estate market. Read more about the proposals on the real estate market Yalutorovsk on the site https://yalutorovsk.etagi.com/realty/, which contains all the necessary information.
What you need to know about real estate in Yalutorovsk
As in all of Russia, there is special demand for standard size and layout objects: one, two, three. To date, standard one-bedroom apartment in the centre can be bought inexpensively for just 1 million rubles. Two are from one and a half million and three-about 2 million rubles. We are talking about the Central, traditionally the most prestigious areas. Other features:
- It is worth considering that in 2018 changes radically building concept, initiated by the President of the Russian Federation. So, the concept of "economy class" is almost a thing of the past. Emphasis is placed on improving the quality area of the proposed housing, which gradually, as experts believe, will displace the smallest "cells" in 20 square meters. But this will have an impact on cost.
- Developers moving from shared construction to project financing. In fact, the construction of equity will be history in the next two years. This is true in Russia, Yalutorovsk is no exception.
- For someone buying an apartment at the stage of excavation was the only option. It was convenient and the fact that "dolevku" is not always meant dependence on the Bank in terms of the mortgage, because the developers offered the variant of installment at the time of construction of the housing complexes. But that option, the government decided to give up. Will now be implemented not "non-existent" apartment, bought at the stage of excavation, and is already fully operational solutions and dependence on mortgage will increase.
- This approach will undoubtedly lead to higher prices on the real estate market largely to the Bank for a loan will be the only possible solution for the Russians. How good is this trend is debatable, but it will also affect the Yalutorovsk and other small settlements.
Other features
Not to say that the climate of the Tyumen region too favorable. So come here mostly young people, families with children. The distance from Tyumen is 72 km away, are Often users that are unable, due to the obvious high cost to afford the purchase of square meters in Tyumen, go to the middle suburbs. The situation is similar with Moscow and suburbs.
As one of the available options can be viewed and Yalutorovsk, moreover, that has good transport links to Tyumen and other cities in the region.