How to Recover a Dry HP Cartridge

If you have not used a printer for a long time and are trying to print a page, and get poor-quality printing or a blank sheet, then most likely the cartridge has dried up. Refueling in this case will not help, it must be seriously resuscitated. Usually, manufacturers insist that such procedures can not be carried out, but it is necessary to purchase a new cartridge. But it is worth trying, because if everything works out, it will be a good savings. If you don’t, you still don’t lose anything.

If not much time has passed, then you should try the easiest and fastest way - wipe the nozzles of the cartridge with a washing liquid. The nozzles are where the ink is supposed to come out, they're at the bottom of the cartridge, and they're hard to confuse with anything else. Washing liquid can be bought in a special store, but you can also try to use the usual means for glass. In most cases, it helps very well. Soak the napkin with a remedy and wipe the nozzles. See if there's any paint on the napkin. If there is, then run the nozzles on a clean dry napkin. The cartridge should leave a flat strip of its color. If this does not happen, we will take more serious measures. We find a small container in which the cartridge would fit freely, and which could be covered with a lid. We fold the napkin or cloth several times, lay out in a container in which we pour a washing liquid until the napkin is completely soaked. You can do this without napkins, the main thing is not to pour liquids more than 1 cm in height, because you need to soak only print nozzles. Put the cartridge in the container, it is necessary that it stands flat. Cover with a lid or bag so that the liquid does not evaporate and forget for several days. In order not to waste time, you can also put a moistened napkin on the contact point of the cartridges in the printer itself. A few days later, we take out the cartridge and wipe with a napkin. If there are stripes of paint, then this is undoubtedly a good sign. If not, there is no chance of resuscitating the cartridge. We wipe dry both the cartridge and the printer and try to print. If it does, but not all of it, we continue.
Now we need to get the cartridge pumped. This is done if there is ink in the cartridge. If not, you should fill it up first. There is a special station for pumping, most likely it was complete with a printer or it can be purchased separately in the online store of consumables. With a syringe, we pull the ink out of the cartridge through the nozzles. When the ink begins to flow freely into the syringe and there are no air bubbles, the cartridge is resuscitated. Therefore, it must be wiped from excess ink, inserted into the printer and make a test page. If everything is still bad, then you should try soaking the cartridge again. If the cartridge leaves good, saturated stripes on the napkin, but still does not print, then most likely the problem is in the printer itself and its print head.
But if your cartridge does not respond to all these manipulations, then throw it away and buy a new one. On the Internet now you can find a variety of cartridges that immediately go with the refueling function. And caring consultants will help you choose and advise how to care for cartridges so that they do not dry up. We recommend the store - adisprint.ru - delivery of cartridges and SPNP systems throughout Russia at low prices