I've pretended to be helpless, while the husband me not declassified...
Sixty six million one hundred thirty five thousand nine hundred eighty one
I was brought up without a father, so my mom and I all had to do it ourselves. Then I grew up and got married. Slowly accustomed to a beloved family home — all the time asking him to help me with anything, well, for example, to open a jar or chicken to butcher. Of course, to myself, blamed on what light is, as my husband is not the handy. But we have to endure, so that he felt important and necessary.
Yesterday he gave me a declassified! Came early, quietly opened the door, looked into the kitchen, and I was there with a butcher knife the chicken first in one fell swoop cut, and then another, and a tin can opened. The husband silently watched me, and then gave:
— I bet you're still pies to cook...
The website is now at Classmates! Push:
via factroom.ru
I was brought up without a father, so my mom and I all had to do it ourselves. Then I grew up and got married. Slowly accustomed to a beloved family home — all the time asking him to help me with anything, well, for example, to open a jar or chicken to butcher. Of course, to myself, blamed on what light is, as my husband is not the handy. But we have to endure, so that he felt important and necessary.
Yesterday he gave me a declassified! Came early, quietly opened the door, looked into the kitchen, and I was there with a butcher knife the chicken first in one fell swoop cut, and then another, and a tin can opened. The husband silently watched me, and then gave:
— I bet you're still pies to cook...
The website is now at Classmates! Push:
via factroom.ru
Always funny to see how the cat tries to wriggle out of punishment...
Night, a convenience store, a guy went to buy gum...