Night, a convenience store, a guy went to buy gum...
Forty five million three hundred thirty three thousand eight hundred fifty five
Worked as a salesman in a small convenience store at the gas station. Sitting one night behind the counter, reading a magazine, and there's a knock at the window. Look, there's a young guy:
— Good night! Girl, you sell gum?
Just delivered a new batch of rubber bands for the wipers, so I immediately reply:
Yes, Yes, you what length is needed?
— They have that the length differ?
— Of course! You can now try. If it will be long, I'll help you to cut accurately.
Can't describe with words the expression on this guy:
— Girl, I have condoms to buy!
The website is now at Classmates! Push:
via factroom.ru
Worked as a salesman in a small convenience store at the gas station. Sitting one night behind the counter, reading a magazine, and there's a knock at the window. Look, there's a young guy:
— Good night! Girl, you sell gum?
Just delivered a new batch of rubber bands for the wipers, so I immediately reply:
Yes, Yes, you what length is needed?
— They have that the length differ?
— Of course! You can now try. If it will be long, I'll help you to cut accurately.
Can't describe with words the expression on this guy:
— Girl, I have condoms to buy!
The website is now at Classmates! Push:
via factroom.ru
I've pretended to be helpless, while the husband me not declassified...
It is a liqueur, brandy - hot and cold snacks, desserts.