Wanted to chase the dog off the bed, and almost threw his wife to the floor...
Ten million six hundred seventy thousand four hundred ninety one
The night woke up the son, respectively, and I woke up. Look, the wife sleeps. I got up, brought the baby a bottle, rocked her a bit and returned to the bedroom. While I was in my place got hammer little French bulldog six months old. Well, I think, quite insolent.
Took it gently, and he still rests. Had to step it up to try get him off the bed. And then I heard a sleepy voice spouses:
— Vanya, let go of my head. What are you doing?
The website is now at Classmates! Push:
via factroom.ru
The night woke up the son, respectively, and I woke up. Look, the wife sleeps. I got up, brought the baby a bottle, rocked her a bit and returned to the bedroom. While I was in my place got hammer little French bulldog six months old. Well, I think, quite insolent.
Took it gently, and he still rests. Had to step it up to try get him off the bed. And then I heard a sleepy voice spouses:
— Vanya, let go of my head. What are you doing?
The website is now at Classmates! Push:
via factroom.ru