The other day my dad, a fisherman with experience, did!
Seventy three million seven hundred forty seven thousand five hundred seventy three
The other day dad gave. Installed it on my PC the game "Fishing". Measured this toy to relax: tune the water temperature and depth at which fishing, choose a place for fishing and tackle. Then cast your line and sit staring at the monitor. Waiting for the bite will start.
And here sits my dad for this simple game, catching fish big and small. And then how come he has to bite. The toy squeaked across the room, and dad made his signature cool cutting.
I have no more computer mouse. Dad pulled out of her alive…
The website is now at Classmates! Press:
via factroom.ru
The other day dad gave. Installed it on my PC the game "Fishing". Measured this toy to relax: tune the water temperature and depth at which fishing, choose a place for fishing and tackle. Then cast your line and sit staring at the monitor. Waiting for the bite will start.
And here sits my dad for this simple game, catching fish big and small. And then how come he has to bite. The toy squeaked across the room, and dad made his signature cool cutting.
I have no more computer mouse. Dad pulled out of her alive…
The website is now at Classmates! Press:
via factroom.ru
I decided once the guy get a tiger trainer in the circus…
In our Univer operates the teacher, which is fundamentally not a failing grade...