In our Univer operates the teacher, which is fundamentally not a failing grade...
Twenty seven million four hundred seventeen thousand three hundred thirty nine
In the local Maritime University is an important teacher. At the time he became famous among students for its persistent unwillingness to put deuce on the tests and exams. The principle is certainly good, but once became a subject for dispute.
One of our classmate with foam at a mouth proved that you can take the teacher out of himself, and that he will put a deuce. Bet a case of beer. And here comes the exam. All got tickets, are prepared. Unfortunately, our desperate classmate got one simple question: "Rules of conduct on the ship in extreme conditions". Went to answer.
— Listening to you — starting with the teacher.
I don't know!
Well, and if the vessel have a fire, what to do?
— Nothing!
— All right. The most important thing is not to panic. Four. You are free.
The website is now at Classmates! Push:
via factroom.ru
In the local Maritime University is an important teacher. At the time he became famous among students for its persistent unwillingness to put deuce on the tests and exams. The principle is certainly good, but once became a subject for dispute.
One of our classmate with foam at a mouth proved that you can take the teacher out of himself, and that he will put a deuce. Bet a case of beer. And here comes the exam. All got tickets, are prepared. Unfortunately, our desperate classmate got one simple question: "Rules of conduct on the ship in extreme conditions". Went to answer.
— Listening to you — starting with the teacher.
I don't know!
Well, and if the vessel have a fire, what to do?
— Nothing!
— All right. The most important thing is not to panic. Four. You are free.
The website is now at Classmates! Push:
via factroom.ru