10 famous people who went all out for love
Ninety two million seven thousand two hundred sixty seven
Love is not just pretty words. Real feelings find expression in a bold and imaginative actions.
We are in Site found a few stories about the real exploits of famous people, committed in the name of love.
Princess Mako of Japan gave up the title for favorite
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Love is not just pretty words. Real feelings find expression in a bold and imaginative actions.
We are in Site found a few stories about the real exploits of famous people, committed in the name of love.
Princess Mako of Japan gave up the title for favorite

- Crown Princess of Japan Mako Akishino accepted the offer of marriage from her beloved kei Komura. The lovers met while studying at University and have since been inseparable. Rumor has it that, as a student, fiancé worked in cafes and on the beach, performing different work.
- Since the choice of a Princess "commoner" as his wife, she will lose the Royal title. The decision was given to her with a light heart, because the Princess has already presented kei with his family, which endorsed the selection of girls.

- While still quite young, football player albert Riera met on vacation in Palma de Mallorca to Julia, a girl from Omsk. She was so pleased with the Spaniard that he took care of her all the time, while she was in his country. By the way, the fact that albert is a player, she learned not at once.
- Just a year later he flew to Russia to meet her parents. Since he is often in Siberia and sincerely loved Russia. For example, he loves the bath, not afraid of snow and frost and is a fan of Russian pop singers and Omsk hockey.

- Paul McCartney married the last of the "Beatles" than upset fans. He adored his wife, Linda, did not want to part with it literally for a minute. But what about touring? The decision came quickly: Paul taught her to play keyboards, and she became an integral part of his new group Wings.
- Linda later admitted that "detractors, who claimed in the beginning that she sings out of tune, was absolutely right." But the goal was achieved: while the Wings were together, the couple McCartney had not gone more than a day (except for the 10 days of the arrest of Paul in Japan).

- The love story of Yoko Ono and John Lennon became one of the most entertaining novels of the twentieth century. The Japanese gained the attention of Lennon for his active lifestyle, and he fell in love with her without memory. After the wedding, Lennon added to his second name, another part of It — in honor of the beloved wife.

- The legend of baseball "new York Yankees" Joe Di Maggio was married to Marilyn Monroe only 9 months. During this time they were not an exemplary couple, but kept a good relationship after the divorce. A few years later, after becoming friends again, they set a date for the second wedding. But Marilyn died a few days before.
- They say that on their first wedding bouquet, Marilyn began to fade, and then she turned to her husband: "Promise me, when I die, bring weekly to the cemetery flowers". And he promised. After a fateful night in August 1962 for 20 years, 3 times a week, he sent a dozen red roses on her grave. He never spoke publicly about their relationship and never married.

- By the time of acquaintance with the Prince of Monaco from grace Kelly was already a brilliant film career, shooting Hitchcock and the prospect of becoming a legend of world cinema.
- Wedding of Prince Rainier III led to the inevitable change of occupation: to be an actress and a Princess at the same time is nonsense. She made her choice and became one of the iconic figures of his time, helped revive Monaco and the transformation of the Principality in the secular capital of Europe.

- In 1936, after the death of king George V, the power passed to his son, Edward VIII. He was hopelessly in love with Wallis Simpson, the English, are humble, and passionately wanted to marry her. The government presented the king an ultimatum: either the wedding or the throne. With the words , "I found it impossible... to perform the duties of king without the help and support of the woman I love" the king abdicated in favor of his brother George VI. The couple married and lived happily together their whole lives.

- Francis Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald called the best and most famous couple of the jazz era. The writer had a wife and left her after she became ill with schizophrenia. He followed her around the country, settled in hotels near hospitals, and led a laborious correspondence with the doctors. Frances tried to do anything to help his beloved wife to recover, and made her the prototype of all female characters in stories and novels.

- About French singer Marguerite de Sevres is little known. In 1905 she gave concerts in Georgia, it was seen by the artist Niko Pirosmani fell in love with Marguerite at first sight. It was then that he wrote the famous painting "Actress Margarita".
- To confess his feelings, he covered the ground around her house with red roses. The actress was amazed, but gave the artist just one kiss.

- After the death of his beloved wife the ruler of the Mughal Empire Shah Jahan decided to immortalize the memory of it. His love was so strong that he did not regret forces and means for the construction of a tomb for his beloved. The best craftsmen from throughout the Empire and surrounding countries gathered for 22 years to create a truly unique structure. Today the Taj Mahal is a symbol of great love and example of architectural excellence.
via www.eastnews.ru/
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