"How we have changed lives": portraits of people living over 100-year anniversary
Fifty seven million two hundred fifty five thousand six hundred forty four
Surely each of you would want to live as long as possible. Agree, it would be interesting to compare her teenage pictures with pictures taken in old age, and see in them the imprint of past events.
The website shows the reader a touching and beautiful photo project of Czech Jan Langer, demonstrating the beauty of the same people in youth and in old age.
Photographer Jan Langer met up with the oldest residents of the Czech Republic to make their pictures and learn about the brightest memory in your life and dreams. He asked the elders to bring their pictures taken at a young age, and then photographed men and women himself, wanting to show the changes that have occurred with them for a century.
Prokop Vejdelek: "I'll always remember the taste of goat milk"
Photo source: Janlanger.netЛюдвик Chubik: "I worked as a postman and loved his job"
Bedriska Kelarova: "I would love to visit Italy!"
Vincent Gateline: "Almost all my life, I was the designer of the"
Anton Kovar: "I would happily re-played the clarinet, but the years are not the same"
Anna Vasinova: "I will Never forget how my husband took the Nazis during the war..."
Stanislav Spelich: "I am 102 years old, but I believe that it is too early to think about the past,"
Anna Pochobradsky: "I'm so happy that my daughter visits me every weekend,"
Anton Balkman: "I Can say that I don't miss a single issue of your favorite newspaper"
Marie Bocharova: "I would like to see you with your family"
Vlasta Sirkova: "I remember riding in the truck, brought down the son of one of the Nazi leaders"
Lyudmila Villainova: "My husband died 60 years ago, since I'm all alone"
Marie Gafarova: "I Have no photos of myself in my youth, I burned them. You can't take pictures in the coffin"
via www.thisisinsider.com/photo-series-compares-portraits-of-people-who-are-over-100-years-old-2016-6
Surely each of you would want to live as long as possible. Agree, it would be interesting to compare her teenage pictures with pictures taken in old age, and see in them the imprint of past events.
The website shows the reader a touching and beautiful photo project of Czech Jan Langer, demonstrating the beauty of the same people in youth and in old age.
Photographer Jan Langer met up with the oldest residents of the Czech Republic to make their pictures and learn about the brightest memory in your life and dreams. He asked the elders to bring their pictures taken at a young age, and then photographed men and women himself, wanting to show the changes that have occurred with them for a century.
Prokop Vejdelek: "I'll always remember the taste of goat milk"

Photo source: Janlanger.netЛюдвик Chubik: "I worked as a postman and loved his job"

Bedriska Kelarova: "I would love to visit Italy!"

Vincent Gateline: "Almost all my life, I was the designer of the"

Anton Kovar: "I would happily re-played the clarinet, but the years are not the same"

Anna Vasinova: "I will Never forget how my husband took the Nazis during the war..."

Stanislav Spelich: "I am 102 years old, but I believe that it is too early to think about the past,"

Anna Pochobradsky: "I'm so happy that my daughter visits me every weekend,"

Anton Balkman: "I Can say that I don't miss a single issue of your favorite newspaper"

Marie Bocharova: "I would like to see you with your family"

Vlasta Sirkova: "I remember riding in the truck, brought down the son of one of the Nazi leaders"

Lyudmila Villainova: "My husband died 60 years ago, since I'm all alone"

Marie Gafarova: "I Have no photos of myself in my youth, I burned them. You can't take pictures in the coffin"

via www.thisisinsider.com/photo-series-compares-portraits-of-people-who-are-over-100-years-old-2016-6
Puzzle "a Daring nighttime robbery"
Under no circumstances should anyone be taken to the godparents! I wish I had known before.