People internal and external: introverts and extroverts
How to distinguish the introvert from the extrovert to Distinguish the introvert from the extrovert, just an introvert during a conversation looking at his shoes, the extrovert on the other person's shoes. It is at the household level. The scientific approach is more serious. So, Carl Gustav Jung to extravertive type took people who characteristic impulsiveness, initiative, flexibility of behavior, sociability; intravertirovannyh — those for whom the typical fixation of the interests in the phenomena of their own inner world, unsociable, isolation, tendency to introspection, the difficulty of adaptation.
Neuroscientists see the cause of the differences between introverts and extroverts in the activity of the cerebral cortex.Introverts, she comes in a state of excitement from the slightest irritant: it is necessary to protect themselves from the excesses, including excessive communication.
The orientation of a person inside or "outside" depends on the culture: in Western philosophy welcome extroversion, and the East focused on the tacit into the contemplation of the inner world, that is, introversion.
In one psychological experiment, people were asked to choose the type of personality that they would like to work together and to spend leisure time. As a rule, the subjects, regardless of their own qualities, prefer extroverted personality type. But as soon as they had to choose not just a colleague or a companion for the entertainment, and the other, the picture changed: not only people prone to introversion, but many extroverts have given in this case, the preference for introverted type.
Igor Kon in his book on friendship explains the reason for this situation is as follows: introversion is associated not only with shyness and other communication difficulties, but with a more delicate mental organization.
This opinion has never been experimentally verified, but it was divided and shared by many poets and philosophers, who themselves have often experienced difficulties in communicating. As he wrote in a letter to Alexander Blok, "the man Sosnowski loneliness PLI at least invented it himself — more open and soul can perceive, it may be that the other person will not accept".
Problems of introversion and extroversion are deeply interested in the American Susan Kane (Susan Cain). In the book "Quiet: the power of introverts in a world that can't stop talking" (Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking), she talks about the main differences of these types of people.
For example, on the sensitivity of the introvert to stimuli. Extrovert to a lesser extent are susceptible to them, and because it is required in more: brighter lighting, louder music, more active communication — all of that is so tiring to an introvert.
If an introvert is interested, it is seriously. An extrovert, on the contrary, lacks all "on top", but can impress a number of acquaintances and interests. Man, directed "outwards", in the course of communication is recharged with energy. And the one who directed "inside", on the contrary, is depleted. It replenishes their hand from their own ideas and thoughts.
EXTROVERTS NEED TO REMEMBER THAT AN INTROVERT:1. Wants to be alone, not because tired of your society is his natural need;
2. Sitting silently in a corner, no one appreciates just watching;
3. When he says that he's having fun, not cheating: it is fun. Even if to others it seems like he misses you;
4. Out early with the party not to spoil the mood of others. He's just tired of communication;
5. Not alone, and election.And appreciates those who are not trying to change it;
6. Can communicate by email or in social networks, to correspond, to speak with eye to eye, but does not tolerate phone calls and reluctantly picks up the phone. In his opinion, the phone is encroaching on very expensive personal space. Besides, people of this type is quite thoughtful and because of long hold a pause, which is not very well accepted by phone;
7. Not necessarily shy. Shyness is a fear of negative evaluation and condemnation. But not every introvert is afraid that him will not understand and will not accept. And not every extrovert is deprived of this concern.
THE INTROVERT NEED TO REMEMBER THAT EXTROVERTED:1. Can teach you the skills of effective communication;
2. Not good at mind-reading and picking up hints. Tell him everything in plain text;
3. Parties will not "build" relationships for you, except that will introduce to their friends.
Most conflicts between introverts and extroverts occurs not because differences exist between them, but because of anilino not doing them a discount, or deliberately misinterpreted each other.
INTROVERTS ARE MISTAKEN IN THINKING THAT:1. Extroverts don't have enough content, so they have no choice but to create the appearance of knowledge and understanding of the situation.
2. Extroverts are not different creative abilities. In fact, extroverts generate ideas during communication. The introvert, on the contrary, in need of solitude to create something new.
3. Extroverts are afraid not to be alone. In fact, it does not depend on personality type. All sometimes need to be alone, to regain strength and relieve stress.
4. Extroverts do not know and do not even try to listen. Undoubtedly, they are really inferior to introverts, but they can have a productive conversation.
5. Extroverts demanding. Yes, extroverts need more attention, but with the same success can be called the discerning of introverts is their love of solitude.
6. Extroverts can easily offend people. Don't confuse extroversion with a lack of training or aggression. Although the straightness actually can hurt.
EXTROVERTS MISTAKE INTROVERTS:1. Need help when it comes to communication. Introverts come into play when he sees fit. Perhaps longer weigh all the "pros" and "cons", which may appear to be indecisive. But if you give the introvert a convenient place and time — he will show up!
2. Don't like parties. Introverts just having fun in their own way. Someone is watching the tourists. Someone chooses a secluded place to talk with passing. They do not need a large crowd of people to arrange a holiday.Several loved ones will be enough.
3. Waiting to be "invited" to participate in the conversation. Introvert and really will never work elbows in the fight for the right to vote. However, if he has something to say and have the opportunity to speak, he can say what he thinks.
4. They are not team players. To be the center of attention, introverts do not like, but definitely play a significant role in the team — at least enough time to listen them to the end.
5. Are not leaders. Research shows that introverts can lead a team of extroverts: they know how to listen and listen, put the company's interests above his own ego and make informed decisions..
6. Don't know how to communicate. Know how, but in his own way. The men speak quietly and to the point. This makes interaction with them pleasant and helpful.
AT WORK, INTROVERTS:1. Need silence.
2. Appreciate personal space.
3. Give away what is happening.
4. Choose to solve one big task, deal with her, paying attention to detail. Minor problems others leave.
5. They need to know exactly why they're doing it.
6. Don't like it when someone pulls them out of business.
7. Reluctant to delegate authority.
8. Not require special monitoring.
9. It's often difficult to remember names and faces.
10. They often feel that they know enough about a subject until you know about him almost everything.
AT WORK, EXTROVERTS:1. No problems in communication, I bet, are willing to ask.
2. Track information via "word of mouth".
3. Quick to answer questions.
4. Love to chat on the phone.
5. Tired of slow, monotonous, repetitive work.
6. Know how to "advertise" yourself.
7. Prefer movement and communication.
8. Speak and think at the same time.
9. They like to be part of the group, without the support of management to feel lonely.
10. Appreciate the attention and the same outgoing personalities.
1. I like to talk one on one than with a large number of people.
2. I find it easier to Express their thoughts in writing.
3. Willing are one (one), and get pleasure from it.
4. Wealth, fame and position concerns me less than my colleagues and friends.
5. I don't like chatter about nothing, but I love to talk about important things.
6. Think I am a good listener.
7. I don't like to take risks.
8. I am attracted to the work, in which you can "dive" for a long time and not be distracted.
9. I like to celebrate birthdays in a close circle of family and friends.
10. People think I'm "soft" ("soft").
More "Yes" answers, you are an introvert, no extrovert. Theoretically, of course.
IF YOU'RE AN INTROVERT:1. As clearly as you can convey to others their needs and desires.
2.Be aware that the sides can misinterpret your silence.
3. Report that feel uncomfortable when you take your time and bothering to speak, and also when you want to go back to what was discussed earlier.
IF YOU'RE AN EXTROVERT:1. Don't forget that someone needed more time to think about information.
2.Pause in the conversation to others.
3. Before you close the topic, ask a question to the audience: "Who else wants to Express their point of view?"
Even incorrigible extroverts sometimes want to be its opposite, to awaken a new strength and quality.
TO AWAKEN INTROVERT:1. Say thoughtfully.
Many introverts are tired of empty talk and gossip. Research psychologists from the University of Arizona showed that people who feel happy often communicate thoroughly and thoughtfully. And don't spend time on conversations about anything.
2. Work alone.
Great discoveries rarely done by a team. When you are alone, explains K. Anders Ericsson, a psychologist, studies successful, you can progress by paying attention to those tasks that are interesting to you. According to him, if you want to improve your work, you have to do ask direction. In the team everyone can lead only from time to time.
3. You know, and multiply your strengths.
An introvert can behave like an extrovert to very much to convey their point of view, but he gets tired quickly. So, the lecturer-the introvert during a break need to be alone, otherwise the next lecture is not so interesting.This is not a whim but a need.
4. Study the literature.
There are different types of social ties. Reading books can also be a social action because it allows you to reach into the minds of people, even literary characters. Studies show that reading increases the level of emotional intelligence and improves social skills by helping you better understand other people.
5. Listen carefully.
Adam Grant, associate Professor of management the Wharton School, says that one of the most effective leaders he ever met, was General of the air force — one hundred percent introvert. Subordinates respected him because he was able to listen to them. Without that, talent is not enough true leadership.
6. Silently promise yourself to achieve your goals.
Many introverts don't realize that they have a "quiet" power. Instead of loudly defend their right, they make suggestions gently and tactfully. Do not negotiate, but one remark can change the course of the conversation. Do not attract attention to the problem, and are working hard on a solution. published
Author: Milena Apt
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: //ml-style.net/index.php/people/721-intravert-extravert.html
Neuroscientists see the cause of the differences between introverts and extroverts in the activity of the cerebral cortex.Introverts, she comes in a state of excitement from the slightest irritant: it is necessary to protect themselves from the excesses, including excessive communication.
The orientation of a person inside or "outside" depends on the culture: in Western philosophy welcome extroversion, and the East focused on the tacit into the contemplation of the inner world, that is, introversion.

In one psychological experiment, people were asked to choose the type of personality that they would like to work together and to spend leisure time. As a rule, the subjects, regardless of their own qualities, prefer extroverted personality type. But as soon as they had to choose not just a colleague or a companion for the entertainment, and the other, the picture changed: not only people prone to introversion, but many extroverts have given in this case, the preference for introverted type.
Igor Kon in his book on friendship explains the reason for this situation is as follows: introversion is associated not only with shyness and other communication difficulties, but with a more delicate mental organization.
This opinion has never been experimentally verified, but it was divided and shared by many poets and philosophers, who themselves have often experienced difficulties in communicating. As he wrote in a letter to Alexander Blok, "the man Sosnowski loneliness PLI at least invented it himself — more open and soul can perceive, it may be that the other person will not accept".
Problems of introversion and extroversion are deeply interested in the American Susan Kane (Susan Cain). In the book "Quiet: the power of introverts in a world that can't stop talking" (Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking), she talks about the main differences of these types of people.
For example, on the sensitivity of the introvert to stimuli. Extrovert to a lesser extent are susceptible to them, and because it is required in more: brighter lighting, louder music, more active communication — all of that is so tiring to an introvert.
If an introvert is interested, it is seriously. An extrovert, on the contrary, lacks all "on top", but can impress a number of acquaintances and interests. Man, directed "outwards", in the course of communication is recharged with energy. And the one who directed "inside", on the contrary, is depleted. It replenishes their hand from their own ideas and thoughts.
EXTROVERTS NEED TO REMEMBER THAT AN INTROVERT:1. Wants to be alone, not because tired of your society is his natural need;
2. Sitting silently in a corner, no one appreciates just watching;
3. When he says that he's having fun, not cheating: it is fun. Even if to others it seems like he misses you;
4. Out early with the party not to spoil the mood of others. He's just tired of communication;
5. Not alone, and election.And appreciates those who are not trying to change it;
6. Can communicate by email or in social networks, to correspond, to speak with eye to eye, but does not tolerate phone calls and reluctantly picks up the phone. In his opinion, the phone is encroaching on very expensive personal space. Besides, people of this type is quite thoughtful and because of long hold a pause, which is not very well accepted by phone;
7. Not necessarily shy. Shyness is a fear of negative evaluation and condemnation. But not every introvert is afraid that him will not understand and will not accept. And not every extrovert is deprived of this concern.
THE INTROVERT NEED TO REMEMBER THAT EXTROVERTED:1. Can teach you the skills of effective communication;
2. Not good at mind-reading and picking up hints. Tell him everything in plain text;
3. Parties will not "build" relationships for you, except that will introduce to their friends.
Most conflicts between introverts and extroverts occurs not because differences exist between them, but because of anilino not doing them a discount, or deliberately misinterpreted each other.

INTROVERTS ARE MISTAKEN IN THINKING THAT:1. Extroverts don't have enough content, so they have no choice but to create the appearance of knowledge and understanding of the situation.
2. Extroverts are not different creative abilities. In fact, extroverts generate ideas during communication. The introvert, on the contrary, in need of solitude to create something new.
3. Extroverts are afraid not to be alone. In fact, it does not depend on personality type. All sometimes need to be alone, to regain strength and relieve stress.
4. Extroverts do not know and do not even try to listen. Undoubtedly, they are really inferior to introverts, but they can have a productive conversation.
5. Extroverts demanding. Yes, extroverts need more attention, but with the same success can be called the discerning of introverts is their love of solitude.
6. Extroverts can easily offend people. Don't confuse extroversion with a lack of training or aggression. Although the straightness actually can hurt.
EXTROVERTS MISTAKE INTROVERTS:1. Need help when it comes to communication. Introverts come into play when he sees fit. Perhaps longer weigh all the "pros" and "cons", which may appear to be indecisive. But if you give the introvert a convenient place and time — he will show up!
2. Don't like parties. Introverts just having fun in their own way. Someone is watching the tourists. Someone chooses a secluded place to talk with passing. They do not need a large crowd of people to arrange a holiday.Several loved ones will be enough.
3. Waiting to be "invited" to participate in the conversation. Introvert and really will never work elbows in the fight for the right to vote. However, if he has something to say and have the opportunity to speak, he can say what he thinks.
4. They are not team players. To be the center of attention, introverts do not like, but definitely play a significant role in the team — at least enough time to listen them to the end.
5. Are not leaders. Research shows that introverts can lead a team of extroverts: they know how to listen and listen, put the company's interests above his own ego and make informed decisions..
6. Don't know how to communicate. Know how, but in his own way. The men speak quietly and to the point. This makes interaction with them pleasant and helpful.
AT WORK, INTROVERTS:1. Need silence.
2. Appreciate personal space.
3. Give away what is happening.
4. Choose to solve one big task, deal with her, paying attention to detail. Minor problems others leave.
5. They need to know exactly why they're doing it.
6. Don't like it when someone pulls them out of business.
7. Reluctant to delegate authority.
8. Not require special monitoring.
9. It's often difficult to remember names and faces.
10. They often feel that they know enough about a subject until you know about him almost everything.
AT WORK, EXTROVERTS:1. No problems in communication, I bet, are willing to ask.
2. Track information via "word of mouth".
3. Quick to answer questions.
4. Love to chat on the phone.
5. Tired of slow, monotonous, repetitive work.
6. Know how to "advertise" yourself.
7. Prefer movement and communication.
8. Speak and think at the same time.
9. They like to be part of the group, without the support of management to feel lonely.
10. Appreciate the attention and the same outgoing personalities.
1. I like to talk one on one than with a large number of people.
2. I find it easier to Express their thoughts in writing.
3. Willing are one (one), and get pleasure from it.
4. Wealth, fame and position concerns me less than my colleagues and friends.
5. I don't like chatter about nothing, but I love to talk about important things.
6. Think I am a good listener.
7. I don't like to take risks.
8. I am attracted to the work, in which you can "dive" for a long time and not be distracted.
9. I like to celebrate birthdays in a close circle of family and friends.
10. People think I'm "soft" ("soft").
More "Yes" answers, you are an introvert, no extrovert. Theoretically, of course.

IF YOU'RE AN INTROVERT:1. As clearly as you can convey to others their needs and desires.
2.Be aware that the sides can misinterpret your silence.
3. Report that feel uncomfortable when you take your time and bothering to speak, and also when you want to go back to what was discussed earlier.
IF YOU'RE AN EXTROVERT:1. Don't forget that someone needed more time to think about information.
2.Pause in the conversation to others.
3. Before you close the topic, ask a question to the audience: "Who else wants to Express their point of view?"
Even incorrigible extroverts sometimes want to be its opposite, to awaken a new strength and quality.
TO AWAKEN INTROVERT:1. Say thoughtfully.
Many introverts are tired of empty talk and gossip. Research psychologists from the University of Arizona showed that people who feel happy often communicate thoroughly and thoughtfully. And don't spend time on conversations about anything.
2. Work alone.
Great discoveries rarely done by a team. When you are alone, explains K. Anders Ericsson, a psychologist, studies successful, you can progress by paying attention to those tasks that are interesting to you. According to him, if you want to improve your work, you have to do ask direction. In the team everyone can lead only from time to time.
3. You know, and multiply your strengths.
An introvert can behave like an extrovert to very much to convey their point of view, but he gets tired quickly. So, the lecturer-the introvert during a break need to be alone, otherwise the next lecture is not so interesting.This is not a whim but a need.
4. Study the literature.
There are different types of social ties. Reading books can also be a social action because it allows you to reach into the minds of people, even literary characters. Studies show that reading increases the level of emotional intelligence and improves social skills by helping you better understand other people.
5. Listen carefully.
Adam Grant, associate Professor of management the Wharton School, says that one of the most effective leaders he ever met, was General of the air force — one hundred percent introvert. Subordinates respected him because he was able to listen to them. Without that, talent is not enough true leadership.
6. Silently promise yourself to achieve your goals.
Many introverts don't realize that they have a "quiet" power. Instead of loudly defend their right, they make suggestions gently and tactfully. Do not negotiate, but one remark can change the course of the conversation. Do not attract attention to the problem, and are working hard on a solution. published
Author: Milena Apt
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: //ml-style.net/index.php/people/721-intravert-extravert.html