So are all introverted personality ... that no one be confused!
Being an introvert - great! The myth that it is quiet, modest and shy people, scattered to the winds. What you sometimes vital to be alone, not bad. This is the main difference from the introvert extrovert: Each draws its energy from the environment as best he can. Someone noisy company needed to feel full of vitality, and someone chooses solitude as a life-giving source. If you're close to things that will be discussed below, in the dominant traits of your personality introvert. And you are very lucky!
1. You do not like the crowd
You uncomfortable feeling in the crowd, and that's understandable. Where the crowd, all merge into one, lost individuality. Herd instinct makes you disgusted, inspired screaming crowd seems to you monstrous, and all because you're used to think with your head and not be influenced.
2. You are cautious with new acquaintances
You're moving closer to the people very carefully, more than you delight old friends. This does not mean that you difficult to communicate with strangers: just you realize the complexity of each individual and can anticipate what he should not wait. Introverts are well versed in humans.
3. You eloquent
In public, introverts are often able to fluently speak and be surprisingly eloquent: toast, speech, report - trumps formed introvert. But contests, parties and friendly get-together introvert not clear, he instinctively chooses a different kind of entertainment.
4. You love extroverts
In your environment there are many active, talkative, very energetic extroverts. Opposites are attracted to each other, and this union is incredibly fruitful.
5. Are you worried before an important meeting
Unidentified people and places cause you excitement: you have to show yourself! Will I? It's a responsibility ... But once you have mastered, hit the interlocutor to the depths you nothing. Introverts are able to apply themselves.
6. You're a true friend
You're honest, because you do not care what others think of you. The greatest value - to be honest with you. Pangs of conscience, who are pursuing an introvert, terrible, so he avoids situations that might cause them.
7. You Buddha
Sometimes you want to be lazy to such a degree that there is not only the desire to do anything but think it becomes unnecessary undertaking. Laziness, emptiness, total relaxation - resources that fuel system introvert and give him the opportunity to continue to live a happy life. Introvert lucky - he is self-sufficient to the full, he does not need anyone or anything to be happy, he is perfect. This irrepressible extrovert always looking for what to fill your emptiness.
8. You're not in a hurry
Introverts will not hurry, but still have time. You're not going to postpone its session to respond to a sudden message: correct prioritization in introverts can learn.
9. You mistrustful
Your confidence is what you perceive life in a complex, taking into account all factors. Are you disappointed in everything in advance, but it gives you the strength to survive in any situation, but also - the ability to prevent the terrible events.
10. You are a creative person
Creativity - is freedom, know it all introverts. Their internal capacity is expressed in art, whatever they were doing. Each case will turn an introvert into an act of creation, whether it be cooking dinner or how to find her clothes. Introverts love to draw pictures, sing and dance, and they do it not for the attention of the public, and for the soul.
11. You're polite
Introverts judge people on their own, so they are characterized by sensitivity and empathy. They are very attentive to detail, and it's so captivating ...
12. Are you planning
Think through and plan the coming things - important things for any introvert. Can you come up with a plan that all sides would be advantageous. The future did not scare you - you have it their plans.
13. You are a wise
At least around so think of you. Time spent alone, went good for you - you become a mature person before others, your experience is supported by an internal self-examination.
14. You know what you want
It's just a treasure, not a character trait! Introvert different from people who have seven Fridays during the week - it is always clear in their desires and beliefs, so - safe for others.
15. You're a dreamer
Do you love to dream, and this opens up excellent prospects for you: no restrictions, everything is possible in life ...
Introverts are able to maintain a balance between communication and work on themselves, because they are in harmony with the world. The ability not to spray yourself in trifling things and unnecessary communication helps introverts to go to his success and getting better by the day. Each of us has the features introvert and it is wonderful! Tell your friends, who are true introverts.
via takprosto cc

1. You do not like the crowd
You uncomfortable feeling in the crowd, and that's understandable. Where the crowd, all merge into one, lost individuality. Herd instinct makes you disgusted, inspired screaming crowd seems to you monstrous, and all because you're used to think with your head and not be influenced.
2. You are cautious with new acquaintances
You're moving closer to the people very carefully, more than you delight old friends. This does not mean that you difficult to communicate with strangers: just you realize the complexity of each individual and can anticipate what he should not wait. Introverts are well versed in humans.
3. You eloquent
In public, introverts are often able to fluently speak and be surprisingly eloquent: toast, speech, report - trumps formed introvert. But contests, parties and friendly get-together introvert not clear, he instinctively chooses a different kind of entertainment.
4. You love extroverts
In your environment there are many active, talkative, very energetic extroverts. Opposites are attracted to each other, and this union is incredibly fruitful.
5. Are you worried before an important meeting
Unidentified people and places cause you excitement: you have to show yourself! Will I? It's a responsibility ... But once you have mastered, hit the interlocutor to the depths you nothing. Introverts are able to apply themselves.

6. You're a true friend
You're honest, because you do not care what others think of you. The greatest value - to be honest with you. Pangs of conscience, who are pursuing an introvert, terrible, so he avoids situations that might cause them.
7. You Buddha
Sometimes you want to be lazy to such a degree that there is not only the desire to do anything but think it becomes unnecessary undertaking. Laziness, emptiness, total relaxation - resources that fuel system introvert and give him the opportunity to continue to live a happy life. Introvert lucky - he is self-sufficient to the full, he does not need anyone or anything to be happy, he is perfect. This irrepressible extrovert always looking for what to fill your emptiness.
8. You're not in a hurry
Introverts will not hurry, but still have time. You're not going to postpone its session to respond to a sudden message: correct prioritization in introverts can learn.
9. You mistrustful
Your confidence is what you perceive life in a complex, taking into account all factors. Are you disappointed in everything in advance, but it gives you the strength to survive in any situation, but also - the ability to prevent the terrible events.
10. You are a creative person
Creativity - is freedom, know it all introverts. Their internal capacity is expressed in art, whatever they were doing. Each case will turn an introvert into an act of creation, whether it be cooking dinner or how to find her clothes. Introverts love to draw pictures, sing and dance, and they do it not for the attention of the public, and for the soul.

11. You're polite
Introverts judge people on their own, so they are characterized by sensitivity and empathy. They are very attentive to detail, and it's so captivating ...
12. Are you planning
Think through and plan the coming things - important things for any introvert. Can you come up with a plan that all sides would be advantageous. The future did not scare you - you have it their plans.
13. You are a wise
At least around so think of you. Time spent alone, went good for you - you become a mature person before others, your experience is supported by an internal self-examination.
14. You know what you want
It's just a treasure, not a character trait! Introvert different from people who have seven Fridays during the week - it is always clear in their desires and beliefs, so - safe for others.

15. You're a dreamer
Do you love to dream, and this opens up excellent prospects for you: no restrictions, everything is possible in life ...
Introverts are able to maintain a balance between communication and work on themselves, because they are in harmony with the world. The ability not to spray yourself in trifling things and unnecessary communication helps introverts to go to his success and getting better by the day. Each of us has the features introvert and it is wonderful! Tell your friends, who are true introverts.
via takprosto cc
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