Introverts in IT. How to use the features of his character to achieve the objectives
Several years ago I worked screenwriter training courses. One morning, the chief met me with a face, "we need to talk».
He asked me to talk with a visiting psychologist. "Thank you, that is not a psychiatrist," I thought. It turned out he had hired a psychologist who "helps to overcome barriers of communication in a team." Eyewash, psychologist talked to all the employees, although they have only seen the problem in me.
I declined the tempting offer and happily forgot about it. But next week, I met again with the psychologist. At first she sat on the couch and looked at the catalogs. And then sat down close to the sea, "I'm here if you need help." After some time, it has bothered me and I said that I think about it.
Presented this scene? Yes, just like in the movies about not quite normal people.
Already after I was asked to leave, one of his former colleagues told me that the people I was not that afraid, but they did not know what was on my mind. I have no one to discuss anything but work, socializing with colleagues often boiled down to "good morning" and "yet" if there was no working occasions.
And this at a time when the chief of all the forces created "an atmosphere of ease": all (except me) were photographed for the enforcement of positive posts in the corporate blog, went on nature (without me) and discussed movies. In these discussions, I felt like the lesson of literature with an analysis of the poems Tyutchev.
I just did not need this, I was interested to work, not socialize. And by the way, in addition to his work, I was doing so much more to optimize processes and the like - it was a start, so much had to be done from scratch, I was in it and draws. So, while all discussed another film that just looked at the office, I worked.
But even the initiative did not save me from dismissal.
I think today, I can understand the boss. I put myself in his place: "this dude some strange. He kind of does everything that he was entrusted and even more. Do not be lazy, though all comes later. Quite the contrary, he works hard suspiciously. And all the while silent ... Do not participate in community life. Hell, he did not even photographed blog never! He's hiding something?
Then I did not know how to behave. Today, after I fell in love with the talks and learned a stack of books on introversion, including the one you are already discussing , I know what to do and what to say. "- the story ends.
Disclaimer I: To prevent non-constructive debate - I understand that the "clean" extroverts and introverts a little, but they are there, and precedent - a good reason to investigate. Also, do not necessarily have to be a pure introvert to feel the charm of all the world do not caulk for a second. I>
To begin with, let us consider what introverts are not. Of course, theses do not claim to be scientific, and can provoke accusations of populism, but nevertheless. B> 7 myths about introverts:
№1 Introverts do not like to say
This is not true. Introverts do not like to chat. They will remain silent until then, until they have something to say. Guff their exhausts. But try to talk to the introvert that he is interested in, and you will be hard to stop him.
№2 Introverts are shy
Shyness is not associated with introversion. Introverts are not afraid of people, but they need a good reason to interact. They are unlikely to support someone contact only out of politeness or for reasons of mutual "friendship».
№3 Introverts are rude and do not like people
No, they do not see the point of social conventions and exchange pleasantries false. They want everything to be fair. Unfortunately, the world is not so. Behave insincerely - for them a lot of stress, which they prefer to avoid.
№4 Introverts do not like to be on the people
It is not. Introverts do not like long with humans. They need less time to gather information and experiences, and much more for their treatment. And if you think it sounds too utilitarian, then, yes, that's right - they hate aimless pastime on a scale of one day, or a lifetime.
№5 Introverts strange
Most often they are individualists. They are little affected herd instinct, guided by their inner conviction. They think independently, so their opinions are often at odds with the public. From the side of this behavior may seem eccentric, extravagant or even outrageous. But shocking contradicts the very definition of introversion, so outrageous introverts do not happen. Except, maybe, Marilyn Manson.
№6 Introverts closed nerds
They may seem self-absorbed, but that does not mean that they do not notice what is happening around. Once just the opposite - the same sensitive sensors work incessantly. Another thing, not all of what is happening around, they consider worthy of their attention.
№7 Introverts can stop this nonsense and behave normally
No. Require them to socialization - is like getting a turtle live without its shell.
Science, bitch h4> Disclaimer II: I understand that life is not a binary at its core, and much more diverse. No, I do not propose to divide the world in two. No, I'm not saying that "in the world there are two types of people». I>
Noise h4> In 2001, the Institute of Public Health of Belgrade held a исследование. 123 students (43 men and 80 women) were asked to perform arithmetic operations in the mind, in quiet and noisy laboratory. Predisposition test to a particular type of temperament was determined by Eysenck personality questionnaire.
Strategy h4> Now, when we found out that introversion is an innate quality that can interfere with a successful career in the world of extroverts that we can do about this?
What does this mean in practice? H4> No matter how much you agree with the concept of polar temperaments, from this study shows that the introverts can significantly improve their performance if they work in a controlled noise. For extroverts, obviously, the opposite is true. If you are an extrovert, you are to be congratulated. Introverts are less fortunate, it is unlikely someone will create for them the special conditions at work. What to do in this case?
Intronet h4>
«Neither cable nor anyone» h4> The first step in solving the problem - to formulate it. Perhaps you do not look at it as a problem. Still, after all we are talking about temperament, what is this problem?
Search minded h4> Of course, the introvert can not "remake itself" and become sociable extrovert, no matter how he tried. Anyway, I do not know of such examples. But he will have to "learn to drive on the right side of the road," and the sooner he will accept it, the better for him and his career.
He asked me to talk with a visiting psychologist. "Thank you, that is not a psychiatrist," I thought. It turned out he had hired a psychologist who "helps to overcome barriers of communication in a team." Eyewash, psychologist talked to all the employees, although they have only seen the problem in me.
I declined the tempting offer and happily forgot about it. But next week, I met again with the psychologist. At first she sat on the couch and looked at the catalogs. And then sat down close to the sea, "I'm here if you need help." After some time, it has bothered me and I said that I think about it.
Presented this scene? Yes, just like in the movies about not quite normal people.
Already after I was asked to leave, one of his former colleagues told me that the people I was not that afraid, but they did not know what was on my mind. I have no one to discuss anything but work, socializing with colleagues often boiled down to "good morning" and "yet" if there was no working occasions.
And this at a time when the chief of all the forces created "an atmosphere of ease": all (except me) were photographed for the enforcement of positive posts in the corporate blog, went on nature (without me) and discussed movies. In these discussions, I felt like the lesson of literature with an analysis of the poems Tyutchev.
I just did not need this, I was interested to work, not socialize. And by the way, in addition to his work, I was doing so much more to optimize processes and the like - it was a start, so much had to be done from scratch, I was in it and draws. So, while all discussed another film that just looked at the office, I worked.
But even the initiative did not save me from dismissal.
I think today, I can understand the boss. I put myself in his place: "this dude some strange. He kind of does everything that he was entrusted and even more. Do not be lazy, though all comes later. Quite the contrary, he works hard suspiciously. And all the while silent ... Do not participate in community life. Hell, he did not even photographed blog never! He's hiding something?
Then I did not know how to behave. Today, after I fell in love with the talks and learned a stack of books on introversion, including the one you are already discussing , I know what to do and what to say. "- the story ends.
Disclaimer I: To prevent non-constructive debate - I understand that the "clean" extroverts and introverts a little, but they are there, and precedent - a good reason to investigate. Also, do not necessarily have to be a pure introvert to feel the charm of all the world do not caulk for a second. I>
To begin with, let us consider what introverts are not. Of course, theses do not claim to be scientific, and can provoke accusations of populism, but nevertheless. B> 7 myths about introverts:
№1 Introverts do not like to say
This is not true. Introverts do not like to chat. They will remain silent until then, until they have something to say. Guff their exhausts. But try to talk to the introvert that he is interested in, and you will be hard to stop him.
№2 Introverts are shy
Shyness is not associated with introversion. Introverts are not afraid of people, but they need a good reason to interact. They are unlikely to support someone contact only out of politeness or for reasons of mutual "friendship».
№3 Introverts are rude and do not like people
No, they do not see the point of social conventions and exchange pleasantries false. They want everything to be fair. Unfortunately, the world is not so. Behave insincerely - for them a lot of stress, which they prefer to avoid.
№4 Introverts do not like to be on the people
It is not. Introverts do not like long with humans. They need less time to gather information and experiences, and much more for their treatment. And if you think it sounds too utilitarian, then, yes, that's right - they hate aimless pastime on a scale of one day, or a lifetime.
№5 Introverts strange
Most often they are individualists. They are little affected herd instinct, guided by their inner conviction. They think independently, so their opinions are often at odds with the public. From the side of this behavior may seem eccentric, extravagant or even outrageous. But shocking contradicts the very definition of introversion, so outrageous introverts do not happen. Except, maybe, Marilyn Manson.
№6 Introverts closed nerds
They may seem self-absorbed, but that does not mean that they do not notice what is happening around. Once just the opposite - the same sensitive sensors work incessantly. Another thing, not all of what is happening around, they consider worthy of their attention.
№7 Introverts can stop this nonsense and behave normally
No. Require them to socialization - is like getting a turtle live without its shell.