The Ulta Chaata device is able to collect solar energy and rainwater
The company ThinkPhi presented Ulta Chaata – the mechanism, which is similar to a concave umbrella, aimed at killing two birds with one stone. It collects and stores rainwater and installed solar panels, generates electricity.
Created in 2015 by the Samit and Priya, Choksi ThinkPhi the company produces sustainable products.
Priya and I are from different strata of society. While Priya is engaged in architectural design, I work with this technology. We wanted to create products that could contribute to the creation of the environment. There were a lot of launches of e-Commerce and software, so we wanted to do something difficult, — said Samit.
A lot of design thought and technology went into creating the Ulta Chaata. The shape of an inverted umbrella helps in collecting water, the device also has a filter in the middle of the pipe, which purifies the water and makes it usable. Ulta Chaata can store up to 150,000 litres of harvested water, and in dry months, you can use the device to collect solar energy.
Then electric can be sent to work built-in led lamps and mobile charging stations.
A more powerful version of the product allows you to supply power back to the grid.
The Ulta Chaata area - 25 square meters. On average, the current version of the device can produce a maximum power of 1.2 kW. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: //solarpanels.com.ua/news/ustrojstvo-ulta-chaata-umeet-sobirat-solnechnuyu-energiyu-i-dozhdevuyu-vodu/

Created in 2015 by the Samit and Priya, Choksi ThinkPhi the company produces sustainable products.
Priya and I are from different strata of society. While Priya is engaged in architectural design, I work with this technology. We wanted to create products that could contribute to the creation of the environment. There were a lot of launches of e-Commerce and software, so we wanted to do something difficult, — said Samit.
A lot of design thought and technology went into creating the Ulta Chaata. The shape of an inverted umbrella helps in collecting water, the device also has a filter in the middle of the pipe, which purifies the water and makes it usable. Ulta Chaata can store up to 150,000 litres of harvested water, and in dry months, you can use the device to collect solar energy.

Then electric can be sent to work built-in led lamps and mobile charging stations.
A more powerful version of the product allows you to supply power back to the grid.
The Ulta Chaata area - 25 square meters. On average, the current version of the device can produce a maximum power of 1.2 kW. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: //solarpanels.com.ua/news/ustrojstvo-ulta-chaata-umeet-sobirat-solnechnuyu-energiyu-i-dozhdevuyu-vodu/