What to do if you choked and no one to help? This three simple steps can save your life!
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For good digestion is very important to eat slowly and carefully. If you swallow large pieces, even without chewing, the risk of choking, and it is very dangerous.
The website encourages readers to pay close attention to this advice, someday, he can help you!
So, what to do if a piece of food stuck in your throat?
Do not panic. Get down on your knees and press your palms into the floor. Dramatically lower your arms and literally fall on the floor the whole breast. This movement will help push the piece of food from the throat along with the air.
via factroom.ru
For good digestion is very important to eat slowly and carefully. If you swallow large pieces, even without chewing, the risk of choking, and it is very dangerous.
The website encourages readers to pay close attention to this advice, someday, he can help you!
So, what to do if a piece of food stuck in your throat?
Do not panic. Get down on your knees and press your palms into the floor. Dramatically lower your arms and literally fall on the floor the whole breast. This movement will help push the piece of food from the throat along with the air.
via factroom.ru
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