"I want to tell you about skipping school, son..."

Senior year, I hated physics. No, the subject I loved, but Anna Mikhailovna was always picking on everyone and the assessment was not for knowledge, but based on personal relationship. By the way, I was not the only one, so often almost the whole class lessons Anna Mikhailovna and skipped. The problem was that she was our class teacher, so I got us passes for the first number.
And it's been another week of study, but physics neither on Monday nor on Wednesday I was not. And on Saturday had held a parent meeting. Usually meetings went mother, loyal attitude to absenteeism, but that day for some reason she could not and to school went dad. First time in my life. In the evening dad came back and barely entering the apartment, cried out:
— Alexander!
Well, I think my death has come. Dad called me Alexander only when he was angry or wanted to get serious about something to talk about. On podkashivatsya from the horror of my legs, I toddled over to him, already anticipating all of the penalties that will follow. Father, frowning, asked:
— Alexander, what a day you have physics?
"That's it. Dad found out about my truancy. Now I will kill you..." thought I, but managed to answer with a trembling voice:
— On Mondays. And on Wednesday more...
— Son... I Went to a meeting two hours "enjoyed" shouting your Anna... What I want to say about this: if on Mondays and Wednesdays you're coming back from school drunk — I understand you... Upset, of course, but I will not swear.
via factroom.ru