Learning for electrician. As we sit, have Breakfast with Santa and he asks me a question...

My grandpa was a Joker one. And so I came to visit him, and over Breakfast, grandfather started a conversation:
Well, Kirill, whom you at least learn something?
— The grandfather, an electrician I'm learning, I told you...
— And how? Cope?
— Yes, not so complica...
At this point grandpa interrupted me:
— Yes nonsense all it! Out our rustic master Kolka, that's what an electrician with a capital letter! The whole village has electricity established. Here you are how the hell the teacher is the voltage to measure learning?
— Using special flat screwdrivers, testers are called...
Yeah! All you young life for themselves to relieve want. And Kolka our voltage in the wires with only two fingers Meryl!
Then into the kitchen came the grandmother and grandfather her:
— Man, I have a granddaughter about our Kolka-electrician talk. Something I haven't seen him, where has he gone, I don't know, huh?
— So he died!
— How did you die?! grandfather no joke I was surprised.
I'm not! Shock hit him. Two years as they buried...
More grandfather did not attempt to teach me to mind-reason on the other.
via pikabu.ru/story/chudoyelektrik_4145011
As my friend "nice" robbed
Three proven trick that will make the knife sharper than a razor! Be careful not to cut yourself...