Tip of the day: how to get kids to restore order regularly and with joy
Many parents, wanting to teach children to help around the house, ready to go at all. But there is one proven method from mothers of large families, acting without a hitch!
The website advises the reader to adopt this method if you do not want your child to grow up to be a slob and lazy.
Instead of punishment "imprisonment" in the room or taking away a favorite toy, invite them to participate in the competition. Make a list of chores and assign for completing each of these points. When the child completed all tasks, he not only will be able to boast of their achievements, but also can feel the pride and satisfaction from the done work.
This system was invented by the mother of three children, Irina, when they were late to school. That children are not sitting idle, she asked them to perform several tasks from the list and score 500 points. Over time, children got used to the fact that they have to help around the house, and began with great joy to perform various tasks, trying to score more points than brother and sister.
Here is an example of such a list:
Writing a pleasant note to any family member — 10 points; Preparation of lunch or dinner — 50 points; Help with the Laundry is 100 points; Restoring order in the kitchen cupboard — 50 points; Loading the dishwasher — 40 points; Unloading the washed dishes — 25 points; plate cleaning — 25 points Wash kitchen table — 25 points; the waste disposal system — 10 points; washing the floor in one room — 30 points; the Wiping of the dust in one room — 25 points; cleaning of microwave oven — 40 points; Wiping stools and chairs in the kitchen — 25 points; - cleaning the oven — 20 points; Washing Windows in one room — 10 points; cleaning bathroom — 10 points; Watering of indoor plants — 10 points; Restoring order in the locker — 35 points.
via takprosto.cc/kak-razumno-rastit-detey/

The website advises the reader to adopt this method if you do not want your child to grow up to be a slob and lazy.
Instead of punishment "imprisonment" in the room or taking away a favorite toy, invite them to participate in the competition. Make a list of chores and assign for completing each of these points. When the child completed all tasks, he not only will be able to boast of their achievements, but also can feel the pride and satisfaction from the done work.
This system was invented by the mother of three children, Irina, when they were late to school. That children are not sitting idle, she asked them to perform several tasks from the list and score 500 points. Over time, children got used to the fact that they have to help around the house, and began with great joy to perform various tasks, trying to score more points than brother and sister.
Here is an example of such a list:
Writing a pleasant note to any family member — 10 points; Preparation of lunch or dinner — 50 points; Help with the Laundry is 100 points; Restoring order in the kitchen cupboard — 50 points; Loading the dishwasher — 40 points; Unloading the washed dishes — 25 points; plate cleaning — 25 points Wash kitchen table — 25 points; the waste disposal system — 10 points; washing the floor in one room — 30 points; the Wiping of the dust in one room — 25 points; cleaning of microwave oven — 40 points; Wiping stools and chairs in the kitchen — 25 points; - cleaning the oven — 20 points; Washing Windows in one room — 10 points; cleaning bathroom — 10 points; Watering of indoor plants — 10 points; Restoring order in the locker — 35 points.
via takprosto.cc/kak-razumno-rastit-detey/
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