You will be surprised to know about the occupations of these beauties
Eighty million two hundred eighty six thousand eight hundred sixty seven
Pictures of women endowed with bright appearance, often caught up on magazine covers, television screens and the Internet.
We are in the Website asked about the occupations of some of them were, to put it mildly, surprised.
Misty Copeland Ballerina
Misty Copeland — the first black American prima. Usually, ballerinas slim, chiseled body, but misty doesn't look like a typical ballerina, breaking several stereotypes.
Kseniya Kovalenko Said
Ksenia Kovalenko — midfielder of Russian national team on football and the club Rossiyanka.
Chanta McMillan athletics
Chanta McMillan — athlete participating in the Olympic games. Cant always speaks openly about loving your body and its scars.
Gina Carano MMA Fighter
Gina joy Carano is an American MMA fighter and actress. Generally considered to be the "Female face of MMA", but refuses to recognize this title.
Cecilia Braekhus Boxer
Cecilia Braekhus nicknamed the First lady defended the belt of world champion WBO/WBC/WBA Welterweight champion for 5 times.
Brittney Griner Basketball Player
WNBA star Brittney Griner (female version NBA) is proud of his athletic body: "My huge hands, palms, long legs — I love that I'm different. If they were all the same, it would be a very boring world".
Trish Stratus Wrestler
Patricia Ann Stratigias is a canadian professional wrestler, model and actress. Stratus 7-time champion of WWE among women, once WWE hardcore champion, three times was named WWE Babe of the Year and was named "Diva of the decade".
Manuela Sposato Karate
Manuela Sposato from Brazil is among the most attractive representatives of karate.
Alex Morgan Football Player
Alexandra Patricia Morgan is an American football player and striker of the team "Orlando pride" and team USA, Olympic champion 2012, world champion of 2015 and the Vice-world champion 2011.
Julie Kedzie MMA Fighter
Julie Kedzie is a really strong fighter. On account of Julie's 15 wins in the MMA ring and 8 losses. The main achievement Julie — victory in the 2005 HOOKnSHOOT tournament.
Ana Julaton Boxer
Ana Julaton nicknamed Hurricane — Filipino-American boxer and mixed martial arts fighter. Ana was the first to win the women's WBO and IBA in the superlight category weight.
Photos on the preview trishstratuscom
See also
I think all these people models? No. They have very different professions
via www.adme.ru/svoboda-kultura/dumaete-vse-eti-lyudi-modeli-ne-et-u-nih-sovsem-drugie-professii-1452365/
Pictures of women endowed with bright appearance, often caught up on magazine covers, television screens and the Internet.
We are in the Website asked about the occupations of some of them were, to put it mildly, surprised.
Misty Copeland Ballerina

Misty Copeland — the first black American prima. Usually, ballerinas slim, chiseled body, but misty doesn't look like a typical ballerina, breaking several stereotypes.
Kseniya Kovalenko Said

Ksenia Kovalenko — midfielder of Russian national team on football and the club Rossiyanka.
Chanta McMillan athletics

Chanta McMillan — athlete participating in the Olympic games. Cant always speaks openly about loving your body and its scars.
Gina Carano MMA Fighter

Gina joy Carano is an American MMA fighter and actress. Generally considered to be the "Female face of MMA", but refuses to recognize this title.
Cecilia Braekhus Boxer

Cecilia Braekhus nicknamed the First lady defended the belt of world champion WBO/WBC/WBA Welterweight champion for 5 times.
Brittney Griner Basketball Player

WNBA star Brittney Griner (female version NBA) is proud of his athletic body: "My huge hands, palms, long legs — I love that I'm different. If they were all the same, it would be a very boring world".
Trish Stratus Wrestler

Patricia Ann Stratigias is a canadian professional wrestler, model and actress. Stratus 7-time champion of WWE among women, once WWE hardcore champion, three times was named WWE Babe of the Year and was named "Diva of the decade".
Manuela Sposato Karate

Manuela Sposato from Brazil is among the most attractive representatives of karate.
Alex Morgan Football Player

Alexandra Patricia Morgan is an American football player and striker of the team "Orlando pride" and team USA, Olympic champion 2012, world champion of 2015 and the Vice-world champion 2011.
Julie Kedzie MMA Fighter

Julie Kedzie is a really strong fighter. On account of Julie's 15 wins in the MMA ring and 8 losses. The main achievement Julie — victory in the 2005 HOOKnSHOOT tournament.
Ana Julaton Boxer

Ana Julaton nicknamed Hurricane — Filipino-American boxer and mixed martial arts fighter. Ana was the first to win the women's WBO and IBA in the superlight category weight.
Photos on the preview trishstratuscom
See also
I think all these people models? No. They have very different professions
via www.adme.ru/svoboda-kultura/dumaete-vse-eti-lyudi-modeli-ne-et-u-nih-sovsem-drugie-professii-1452365/