Angina Massage: You’ll be surprised how fast this procedure works!

If you or a child often suffer from angina, you have a constantly stuffy nose, and doctors diagnose hypertrophy or an increase in the entire lymphoid tissue of the lymphopharyngeal ring and believe that the only way to treat it is the surgical removal of adenoids and tonsils, then you should think carefully before deciding on surgery.

The tonsils and nasopharynx are a cluster of lymphoid tissue. Its task is to provide protection against infections in the pharynx and nasopharynx. This is a natural barrier to infection in the body, not excess tissue.

Therefore, is it worth the operation, because often it does not solve the problem? You may no longer have sore throats, but the unprotected pharynx and nasopharynx will become vulnerable to bacteria.

For patients, hypertrophied and suppurated tonsils there is a reflexogenic zone. You will be surprised how quickly massage works.

We are talking about daily five-minute treatments on each foot. After the massage, you will feel better.

The reflexogenic zone of the lymphopharyngeal ring is located at the base of the main phalanx of the thumb on the right and left foot.

Fasting on water and 4 more ways to detoxify the body7 Signs That Something Is Wrong With Your BodySit comfortably. With a pillow of the thumb, begin to massage the corresponding section of the table with circular movements. Massage is carried out clockwise with a slight painless pressure. published



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