The new "energy saving" metro cars for the St. Petersburg metro
New carriages designed for the upgraded rolling stock 1st line of the Petersburg underground. According to the signed contract, OEVRZ until April 2018, will give the sue "Petersburg metro" 27 a six-carriage trains of the new model.
The main feature of the new cars asynchronous traction drive, which, according to developers, will allow to save up to 30% of electricity. They also have special areas for disabled passengers. Outside the cars are equipped with a device which prevents falling of passengers on the way.
We will remind, OEVRZ is one of the main suppliers of rolling stock for the St. Petersburg metro. In may 2016 OEVRZ started the production of cars-electric locomotives that can work on de-energized parts of the metro. These cars are intended for internal use only metro. Previously the plant supplied the trains for metro under the name "Jubilee." published
Source: greenevolution.ru/2016/10/04/novye-energosberegayushhie-vagony-metro-dlya-peterburgskogo-metropolitena/

The main feature of the new cars asynchronous traction drive, which, according to developers, will allow to save up to 30% of electricity. They also have special areas for disabled passengers. Outside the cars are equipped with a device which prevents falling of passengers on the way.

We will remind, OEVRZ is one of the main suppliers of rolling stock for the St. Petersburg metro. In may 2016 OEVRZ started the production of cars-electric locomotives that can work on de-energized parts of the metro. These cars are intended for internal use only metro. Previously the plant supplied the trains for metro under the name "Jubilee." published
Source: greenevolution.ru/2016/10/04/novye-energosberegayushhie-vagony-metro-dlya-peterburgskogo-metropolitena/
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