Energy saving lamps will save Russia 120 billion rubles per year
The complaints of citizens and the monitoring of activists of the popular front show that in many Russian cities there are problems with the lighting of streets and roads: according to experts, more than half of the lights are outdated and do not meet modern standards of energy efficiency. In order to improve the urban environment improvement onf encourages the regional authorities to accelerate the modernization of the street lighting system and more actively implement energy-saving technologies, which would result in budget savings.
The onf noted that the use of outdated equipment (according to experts, currently more than 60% of these lamps) leads to a lack of illumination of streets and, consequently, decrease the security of citizens. So, more and more cases of thefts and robberies, and vehicle drivers due to poor visibility, the risk of accident. The problems associated with insufficient lighting of the streets, was discovered in Kaliningrad, Ryazan, Kemerovo, Kostroma, Penza regions, the Republic of Dagestan and other regions.
"In Ulyanovsk on some avenues not even the lighting towers, and at some places along the sidewalks and avenues of support are mounted so that the foot part still remains in the shadows – said the co-chair of the regional headquarters of the popular front in the Ulyanovsk region Gennady Antontsev. – And the length of such routes is in the hundreds of meters. A particularly acute situation, with coverage in rural areas. We believe that municipalities should periodically hold events for technical analysis of lighting systems and to assess the resources to restore these systems or building new ones."
However, there is another problem: in some localities it is possible to observe excessive waste while lighting the streets. Inefficient lighting during the day and also exceeding the standards of illumination night, only increase the budget on energy costs. Experts have told that often this and other problems caused by ill-conceived system of lighting and lack of coordination between contractors, municipal authorities and regulatory authorities, while for the condition of the lamps in the streets of a responsible municipal authorities.
All, according to the report of Ministry for 2014, annually in Russia is spent on lighting more than 100 billion kWh (12% of total electricity consumption). The share of electricity consumption in street lighting is 7 billion kWh – up to 7%. The potential energy savings of Russia through the introduction of led lights is enormous – experts estimate that the annual savings from widespread implementation of energy-efficient lighting in Russia amounted to over 120 billion rubles. the money saved could build hundreds of schools and kindergartens.
One example of a successful program to improve energy efficiency in street lighting – the city of Kursk, where, in 2013 we installed energy-efficient lighting, which reduced energy consumption by 65% or almost 60 million rubles a year. Similar measures were taken in the framework of the programme for improving energy efficiency in the region. The share of energy efficient street lamps in the total amount of lamps on the territory of Kursk region is expected to increase from 47% in 2015 to 62.5% by 2020.
In the city of Kirsanov in Tambov region the old lamps were replaced with energy saving in 2016, which led to energy savings of 60% in the first three months of work. It is possible to reduce budget spending from 350 thousand to 150 thousand. Thus it was possible to save 200 thousand rubles of budget funds. In the town of Michurinsk, Tambov region was replaced by 4.5 thousand outdated inefficient lamps with energy-efficient led. In addition, for seven years in the framework of the contract the contractor shall provide free maintenance and replacement of lamps. It is assumed that in year savings for the budget will amount to more than RUB 5 million Program to replace street lamps with energy-saving are implemented in the Vladimir region, Moscow region and some other regions of the country.
Recalling that a number of cities have already successfully replaced the lamp on energy saving, in the long run will reduce budget expenditures on electricity, onf experts noted that the programmes of municipalities on energy saving should include an item to increase the share of energy efficient street lamps in the total amount of street lighting in the region.
One of the measures for the implementation of this task would be Contracting with energy service companies, at its expense, procure equipment and carry out replacement of lamps, and the savings on electricity consumption, receive as a remuneration for several years.
"Onf activists regularly check, as municipal authorities provide a comfortable life in the cities. Our task is to make the streets lit and safe. And at the same time save money which can be spent on the implementation of social projects. In the course of the monitoring we have seen a large number of problems in the field of outdoor lighting. Work on identification of violations in the field of landscaping in the courtyards and on the streets will continue, including in the framework of the project "Comfortable urban environment". Also in the course of the action "Doctrine – light, and at school – darkness" onf activists, together with representatives of traffic police checked the light levels and the condition of street lamps in close proximity to municipal educational institutions and at approaches to them", – said the member of the Central headquarters of the popular front, the expert working group onf "the Quality of daily life" Svetlana Kalinina.
Source: www.energosovet.ru/news.php?zag=1483008979
The onf noted that the use of outdated equipment (according to experts, currently more than 60% of these lamps) leads to a lack of illumination of streets and, consequently, decrease the security of citizens. So, more and more cases of thefts and robberies, and vehicle drivers due to poor visibility, the risk of accident. The problems associated with insufficient lighting of the streets, was discovered in Kaliningrad, Ryazan, Kemerovo, Kostroma, Penza regions, the Republic of Dagestan and other regions.
"In Ulyanovsk on some avenues not even the lighting towers, and at some places along the sidewalks and avenues of support are mounted so that the foot part still remains in the shadows – said the co-chair of the regional headquarters of the popular front in the Ulyanovsk region Gennady Antontsev. – And the length of such routes is in the hundreds of meters. A particularly acute situation, with coverage in rural areas. We believe that municipalities should periodically hold events for technical analysis of lighting systems and to assess the resources to restore these systems or building new ones."
However, there is another problem: in some localities it is possible to observe excessive waste while lighting the streets. Inefficient lighting during the day and also exceeding the standards of illumination night, only increase the budget on energy costs. Experts have told that often this and other problems caused by ill-conceived system of lighting and lack of coordination between contractors, municipal authorities and regulatory authorities, while for the condition of the lamps in the streets of a responsible municipal authorities.

All, according to the report of Ministry for 2014, annually in Russia is spent on lighting more than 100 billion kWh (12% of total electricity consumption). The share of electricity consumption in street lighting is 7 billion kWh – up to 7%. The potential energy savings of Russia through the introduction of led lights is enormous – experts estimate that the annual savings from widespread implementation of energy-efficient lighting in Russia amounted to over 120 billion rubles. the money saved could build hundreds of schools and kindergartens.
One example of a successful program to improve energy efficiency in street lighting – the city of Kursk, where, in 2013 we installed energy-efficient lighting, which reduced energy consumption by 65% or almost 60 million rubles a year. Similar measures were taken in the framework of the programme for improving energy efficiency in the region. The share of energy efficient street lamps in the total amount of lamps on the territory of Kursk region is expected to increase from 47% in 2015 to 62.5% by 2020.
In the city of Kirsanov in Tambov region the old lamps were replaced with energy saving in 2016, which led to energy savings of 60% in the first three months of work. It is possible to reduce budget spending from 350 thousand to 150 thousand. Thus it was possible to save 200 thousand rubles of budget funds. In the town of Michurinsk, Tambov region was replaced by 4.5 thousand outdated inefficient lamps with energy-efficient led. In addition, for seven years in the framework of the contract the contractor shall provide free maintenance and replacement of lamps. It is assumed that in year savings for the budget will amount to more than RUB 5 million Program to replace street lamps with energy-saving are implemented in the Vladimir region, Moscow region and some other regions of the country.
Recalling that a number of cities have already successfully replaced the lamp on energy saving, in the long run will reduce budget expenditures on electricity, onf experts noted that the programmes of municipalities on energy saving should include an item to increase the share of energy efficient street lamps in the total amount of street lighting in the region.
One of the measures for the implementation of this task would be Contracting with energy service companies, at its expense, procure equipment and carry out replacement of lamps, and the savings on electricity consumption, receive as a remuneration for several years.
"Onf activists regularly check, as municipal authorities provide a comfortable life in the cities. Our task is to make the streets lit and safe. And at the same time save money which can be spent on the implementation of social projects. In the course of the monitoring we have seen a large number of problems in the field of outdoor lighting. Work on identification of violations in the field of landscaping in the courtyards and on the streets will continue, including in the framework of the project "Comfortable urban environment". Also in the course of the action "Doctrine – light, and at school – darkness" onf activists, together with representatives of traffic police checked the light levels and the condition of street lamps in close proximity to municipal educational institutions and at approaches to them", – said the member of the Central headquarters of the popular front, the expert working group onf "the Quality of daily life" Svetlana Kalinina.
Source: www.energosovet.ru/news.php?zag=1483008979
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