38 brutal facts about love and relationships, which will have to come to terms
Yes, love and relationships - it's not always easy, but the editorial team is confident that the realization of some cruel truths always goes on polzu.Otnosheniya man - it is not easy. They are never simple. They require compromises. They claim infringement of their interests in the interests of your partner.
Our culture has taught us that love - that feeling. But the reality is that love - this is actually the action. We constantly have to prove it in practice. The only way she could live.
Here is a list of 38 hard truths about relationships that will help you create a healthy expectations.
1. You are not always going to like your partner.
2. You will not always feel attracted to your partner.
3. Sometimes you will be very angry (th).
4. You will not always miss each other when at some time will separate you away.
5. From time to time you will be bored together.
6. You'll meet people who, as you seem to be "better" at times.
7. From time to time you will feel very lonely.
8. Your partner is not your clone. And reconciliation with the differences can be complex and hard.
9. Your heart will then open and close.
10. Sometimes you will feel attractive (-th), sometimes - not.
11. Your sex life can be daunting. This is normal.
12. You will not always want to have sex.
13. Sometimes, you may feel your partner indifference.
14. Sometimes you'll look each other very much tied together. And sometimes it will leave you feeling.
15. True love - it is a struggle, not just pleasure.
16. True love involves fear.
17. Fear does not always look exactly like fear.
Sometimes you will feel terrible indifference, irritation or indifference to the husband / wife.
18. The deeper the love, the greater the fear.
19. The deeper the love, the greater the risk.
This means that you realize that you can him / her to lose.
20. Sometimes your head will appear the following thoughts: "I want to leave. I want to try something else. I want to try someone else ».
It's just a thought. Their appearance is natural and happens to everyone. But this does not mean that these thoughts are true. Most often, they are - a product of fear.
21. Doubtful thoughts (such as those which are discussed above), tend to come to you when you are in the house alone. Or when your partner is already asleep.
Remember, real love - it's always a pendulum. Today, it seems that you can not live without this person, but sometimes you want to never see him no more. The greater the experience of living together, the easier it is to accept the reality and the "cage" called "family».
22. You will be surprised at how difficult times may be negotiated with the husband / wife.
Many people inevitably compare their attitude with respect to another. But be very careful that we all lay in social networks only the best moments of life. And if your friend went to live with a charming girl who looked like Angelina Jolie, it does not mean that it all smooth, and so, as in the photo.
23. Conflicts are inevitable.
24. always think you're better / fairer his partner.
25. You can periodically lash out and insult each other.
26. Sometimes you will make each other sick.
27. There are too many ways to break the trust in each other. Do not promise.
28. How would you like that no, the past you also bring in their relationship: the pain, children's resentment, pain from past relationships, the pain of betrayal of friends and girlfriends.
And you inevitably will project the pain on each other. All of us - just a mirror of our inner world. And in this mirror is usually not less bad than good.
29. marriage - that's not all.
It does not solve any problems. Both of you must continue to grow and develop to the relationship became stronger.
30. Once you have children, will have to get used to that, at least in the first few years, not all of your needs will be met.
The feeling of love for children will have its ebbs and flows. The dynamics in the relationship is not always the same. And the children will inevitably change your daily routine. Not in your favor.
31. There is no doubt that life with small children - a difficult task.
Wait. They will grow. And it will be easier.
32. Sometimes you will feel a just rage, resentment and a feeling that you and your contribution is seriously underestimated.
Think of these ideas as part of spiritual growth.
33. You will have to become an adult, serious person.
34. Sometimes you have to swallow your pride and apologize first (th).
35. You'll miss the opportunity to leave.
Once you srastetsya two in one family, will come to understand that a solid, stable financial foundation under their feet is more important than entertainment.
36. Romance does not necessarily pass the years.
You just need to learn how to maintain it.
37. You will feel offended (th).
We'll have to look for ways of healing from past hurts. The only way your relationship can grow stronger.
38. You will get old together.
You will witness the aging process. And for another person to watch is easier than for a.
Your wife sooner or later there will be wrinkles, sagging body parts, scars. This can be a source of grief and frustration. And it can be a source of joy, of course, if you will celebrate and be proud of how long ago together.
After reading this list, it is not clear why do people agree on long-term relationships. Do not it be easier to have one (-th)?
Yes, it is easier, safer and less risky. But the close, intimate relationships, the ability to love and be loved - it is an opportunity for you to grow significantly over the former.
Relationships - this is a gift and a privilege. Which, however, not everyone is able to enjoy. And the main mistake most people who decide to get a divorce - in the inflated expectations. And the reluctance to support growth and to invest in the relationship.
So save yourself somewhere in this list. Let it serves to remind you that life - it's not ideal. It is - it is better.
via lifter.com.ua/post/1450
Our culture has taught us that love - that feeling. But the reality is that love - this is actually the action. We constantly have to prove it in practice. The only way she could live.

Here is a list of 38 hard truths about relationships that will help you create a healthy expectations.
1. You are not always going to like your partner.
2. You will not always feel attracted to your partner.
3. Sometimes you will be very angry (th).
4. You will not always miss each other when at some time will separate you away.
5. From time to time you will be bored together.
6. You'll meet people who, as you seem to be "better" at times.
7. From time to time you will feel very lonely.
8. Your partner is not your clone. And reconciliation with the differences can be complex and hard.
9. Your heart will then open and close.
10. Sometimes you will feel attractive (-th), sometimes - not.
11. Your sex life can be daunting. This is normal.
12. You will not always want to have sex.
13. Sometimes, you may feel your partner indifference.
14. Sometimes you'll look each other very much tied together. And sometimes it will leave you feeling.
15. True love - it is a struggle, not just pleasure.
16. True love involves fear.
17. Fear does not always look exactly like fear.
Sometimes you will feel terrible indifference, irritation or indifference to the husband / wife.
18. The deeper the love, the greater the fear.
19. The deeper the love, the greater the risk.
This means that you realize that you can him / her to lose.
20. Sometimes your head will appear the following thoughts: "I want to leave. I want to try something else. I want to try someone else ».
It's just a thought. Their appearance is natural and happens to everyone. But this does not mean that these thoughts are true. Most often, they are - a product of fear.
21. Doubtful thoughts (such as those which are discussed above), tend to come to you when you are in the house alone. Or when your partner is already asleep.
Remember, real love - it's always a pendulum. Today, it seems that you can not live without this person, but sometimes you want to never see him no more. The greater the experience of living together, the easier it is to accept the reality and the "cage" called "family».
22. You will be surprised at how difficult times may be negotiated with the husband / wife.
Many people inevitably compare their attitude with respect to another. But be very careful that we all lay in social networks only the best moments of life. And if your friend went to live with a charming girl who looked like Angelina Jolie, it does not mean that it all smooth, and so, as in the photo.
23. Conflicts are inevitable.
24. always think you're better / fairer his partner.
25. You can periodically lash out and insult each other.
26. Sometimes you will make each other sick.
27. There are too many ways to break the trust in each other. Do not promise.
28. How would you like that no, the past you also bring in their relationship: the pain, children's resentment, pain from past relationships, the pain of betrayal of friends and girlfriends.
And you inevitably will project the pain on each other. All of us - just a mirror of our inner world. And in this mirror is usually not less bad than good.
29. marriage - that's not all.
It does not solve any problems. Both of you must continue to grow and develop to the relationship became stronger.
30. Once you have children, will have to get used to that, at least in the first few years, not all of your needs will be met.
The feeling of love for children will have its ebbs and flows. The dynamics in the relationship is not always the same. And the children will inevitably change your daily routine. Not in your favor.
31. There is no doubt that life with small children - a difficult task.
Wait. They will grow. And it will be easier.
32. Sometimes you will feel a just rage, resentment and a feeling that you and your contribution is seriously underestimated.
Think of these ideas as part of spiritual growth.
33. You will have to become an adult, serious person.
34. Sometimes you have to swallow your pride and apologize first (th).
35. You'll miss the opportunity to leave.
Once you srastetsya two in one family, will come to understand that a solid, stable financial foundation under their feet is more important than entertainment.
36. Romance does not necessarily pass the years.
You just need to learn how to maintain it.
37. You will feel offended (th).
We'll have to look for ways of healing from past hurts. The only way your relationship can grow stronger.
38. You will get old together.
You will witness the aging process. And for another person to watch is easier than for a.
Your wife sooner or later there will be wrinkles, sagging body parts, scars. This can be a source of grief and frustration. And it can be a source of joy, of course, if you will celebrate and be proud of how long ago together.
After reading this list, it is not clear why do people agree on long-term relationships. Do not it be easier to have one (-th)?
Yes, it is easier, safer and less risky. But the close, intimate relationships, the ability to love and be loved - it is an opportunity for you to grow significantly over the former.
Relationships - this is a gift and a privilege. Which, however, not everyone is able to enjoy. And the main mistake most people who decide to get a divorce - in the inflated expectations. And the reluctance to support growth and to invest in the relationship.
So save yourself somewhere in this list. Let it serves to remind you that life - it's not ideal. It is - it is better.
via lifter.com.ua/post/1450