"Ellen and the boys' 23 Years After
This cult series adored all - for the joy of life, for optimism and for a purely French charm. Before our eyes, they fall in love, friends, disagreed. Probably, it was the first series about student life, which is shown in Rossii.Sayt decided to show you how to look now our favorite characters.
Ellen - Helen Rolle (48 years old)
Nicolas - Patrick Pyudeba (44)
Katie - Katie Andrew (45 years)
Etienne - David Proulx (47 years old)
Joanna - Rochelle Redfield ('53)
Christian "Cri Cri» - Sebastien Roche (42)
Benedict (Bene) - Laura Guibert (47 years old)
Jose - Philippe Vasseur (49 years)
Lali - Lali Mena (47 years old)
Sebastien - Sebastien Kurivo (47 years old)
Our verdict - perfectly preserved. And what do you think? Do not forget to share this article with your friends, because it is also interesting to know what happened to Ellen, Lali and 'a small Cree Cree »!
via www.adme.ru/zhizn-nostalgiya/elen-i-rebyata-lyubimye-geroi-23-goda-spustya-1044110
Ellen - Helen Rolle (48 years old)

Nicolas - Patrick Pyudeba (44)

Katie - Katie Andrew (45 years)

Etienne - David Proulx (47 years old)

Joanna - Rochelle Redfield ('53)

Christian "Cri Cri» - Sebastien Roche (42)

Benedict (Bene) - Laura Guibert (47 years old)

Jose - Philippe Vasseur (49 years)

Lali - Lali Mena (47 years old)

Sebastien - Sebastien Kurivo (47 years old)

Our verdict - perfectly preserved. And what do you think? Do not forget to share this article with your friends, because it is also interesting to know what happened to Ellen, Lali and 'a small Cree Cree »!
via www.adme.ru/zhizn-nostalgiya/elen-i-rebyata-lyubimye-geroi-23-goda-spustya-1044110
38 brutal facts about love and relationships, which will have to come to terms
As a simple pencil in five minutes to cheer up