Decided two students skip lecture, and the teacher was cunning...
Twenty seven million nine hundred forty thousand five hundred eleven
The imagination of the students on the part of plaintive excuses knows no bounds. So two of my friends, a student recently scored. They had an exam on Monday, but all weekend they celebrated the birthday of one of them. Of course, no exam in the morning they did not want to go, decided to skip.
And the next day as if nothing had happened they came to the University and told the examiner an incredibly pitiful story of how they went to her aunt at the cottage, and when he returned, the car had a flat tire. They had to fix it, tools was not working for a long time, and therefore are unable to get to the exam. The teacher took pity and allowed them to pass the exam the next day.
And here they came at the appointed hour, the teacher arranged them in different classrooms and asked only one question: "What specific wheel you down?". The answers, unfortunately, are not matched...
via carella.ru/anecdots/key/exam/169
The imagination of the students on the part of plaintive excuses knows no bounds. So two of my friends, a student recently scored. They had an exam on Monday, but all weekend they celebrated the birthday of one of them. Of course, no exam in the morning they did not want to go, decided to skip.
And the next day as if nothing had happened they came to the University and told the examiner an incredibly pitiful story of how they went to her aunt at the cottage, and when he returned, the car had a flat tire. They had to fix it, tools was not working for a long time, and therefore are unable to get to the exam. The teacher took pity and allowed them to pass the exam the next day.
And here they came at the appointed hour, the teacher arranged them in different classrooms and asked only one question: "What specific wheel you down?". The answers, unfortunately, are not matched...
via carella.ru/anecdots/key/exam/169
The 10 commandments of an experienced father of two children
Ten unusual facts that you will be discouraged