15 masterpieces, after which you will fall in love with anime

Anime is a very special thing. Specific animation, not quite usual for us, fantastic plots and unusual characters — all of this half of the audience causing prejudice, and the other hot love, sometimes reaching up to fanaticism.
The editors ofthe Website have collected 15 best full-length anime movies and series that will forever remain in the "gold list" of world cinema and is a must-see for everyone, regardless of relationship to anime. They are real masterpieces — slim, smart, exciting and stunningly beautiful. Of course, the list is far from complete — add in the comments your favorite bands and TV shows.

Your name Kimi no na wa, 2016, Makoto Xingkai

The girl from the Japanese province, and the young man from Tokyo discover that between them there is a strange inexplicable connection they start to feel each other through dreams. Gripping story, with intensity and drama equal to the best films, a beautiful and very realistic scenery, great music — all this brought the "Your name" the highest rating of viewers and critics.
IMDb — 8,7; "Kinopoisk" — 8,48.
Paprika Papurika 2006, Satoshi Kon

The action takes place around the DC Mini — a device that allows therapists to enter the dreams of patients, and to record them on film. Three such devices were stolen, which gives their owner the opportunity not only to penetrate into the imagination of the people, but also penetrate into consciousness and discover their way into your own imagination. Flight of fancy Director spawned one of the best anime's art strip, which has a colorful, rich and elegant picture, addictive plot and unusual characters.
IMDb Is 7.7, "IMDb" — 7,5.
Ghost in the shell Kôkaku Kidôtai 1995 Mamoru osii

Fresh film with Scarlett Johansson "Ghost in the shell" is another adaptation of the eponymous manga. By the way, this cartoon was inspired by the wachowskis in creating the "Matrix" and he is considered one of the best movies in the direction of the anime. Mamoru osii has created an amazing blend of techno-punk and futuristic utopia with dark and incredibly real atmosphere of a world where the line between man and machine is practically erased.
IMDb — 8; "Kinopoisk" — 8,16.
Spirited away Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi, 2001, Miyazaki Hayao

This film is Hayao Miyazaki saw, probably, even those who are far from anime as Naberezhnye Chelny from Tokyo. "Spirited away" tells the story of little Chihiro, who along with his parents finds himself in a strange desert town, where they will enjoy a wonderful feast. Parents eagerly pounce on food and to the horror of the girls turn into pigs, becoming captives of an evil witch Baby. Now Chihiro must figure out how to save her parents from the spell of treacherous old woman and be saved from frightening Kingdom of phantoms.
IMDb — 8,6; "Kinopoisk" — 8,41.
Howl's moving castle Hauru no ugoku shiro, 2004, Hayao Miyazaki

The cartoon is based on the novel by Diana Wynne Jones. According to Miyazaki, the prototype for the walking of the castle was a hut on chicken legs from Russian fairy tales. If so, then in the fantasies of Miyazaki she went through hell of a metamorphosis, becoming the center of events in the phantasmagoric world of the cartoon. This is the story of how the evil witch imprisoned the 18-year-old Sophie in the body of an old woman. In search of someone who will help her return to her appearance, she meets a powerful magician Howl and his demon Calciferol. Sophie and the demon decide to help each other to get rid of evil spells.
IMDb — 8,2; "Kinopoisk" — 8,28.
My neighbor Totoro Tonari no Totoro, 1988, Hayao Miyazaki

After moving to the village, two little sisters Satsuki and Mei Junior — meet the forest spirit, whom Mei calls Totoro. Making friends with girls, Totoro not only suits their aerial tour of his possessions, but also helps to see my mother, who is in the hospital. Charming, gentle and nostalgic anime masterpiece, which you can watch with the whole family, as most of Miyazaki's films. They are interesting and understandable (albeit at different levels of the senses) for adults and children.
IMDb — 8,2; "The Kinopoisk" Is 8.2.
Princess Mononoke Mononoke-hime, 1997, Hayao Miyazaki

The young Prince ashitaka, killing the boar, obsessed with hatred, incurred the deadly curse. The old witch had predicted to him that only he can change his destiny. And a brave warrior went on a dangerous journey. So he found himself in a mysterious country, where people led by the evil Mrs. Eboshi fought with the inhabitants of the forest: spirits, demons. And was with them Princess Mononoke — lady and the daughter of animals wolf.
IMDb — 8,4; "Kinopoisk" — 8,13.
Actually, Miyazaki's films could provide material for separate collection of 15 anime, because everything he does is perfect. Worth a look and "Nausicaa of the valley of the winds", and "castle in the sky", and "witch delivery service", and "Goldfish Ponyo",and others. But we, reluctantly, decided to accept the four that received the most high ratings and viewers and critics.
Grave of the fireflies Hotaru no haka, 1988, Isao Takahata

Last days of the Second world war. In the maelstrom of a daily nightmare fall 14-year-old Saito and his little sister Setsuko. They have lost loved ones and are alone. The boy suddenly becomes an adult, faced with the cruelty of the world, and realizes that it depends on the life of his little sister. Sheltered in an abandoned asylum, Saito and Setsuko trying to survive, relying only on their strength.
IMDb — 8,5; "Kinopoisk" — 8,17.
Whisper of the heart Mimi wo sumaseba, 1995, Yoshifumi Kondo

Shizuku took another book in the library, happened to notice that it was this book took a Shiiki ... And it happened not for the first time, this Seize read other books, which pleased the girl. Intrigued, You decided to find out who is this mysterious Shiiki ... And from this moment begins the tale with an enchanted cats, mysterious shops and princes.
IMDb — 8; "Kinopoisk" To 8.1.
Barefoot Gen Hadashi no Gen, 1983, Masaki Mori

The anime tells the story of a boy's leg from a big family whose life is interrupted a terrible tragedy — the explosion of a nuclear bomb in Hiroshima. Survive only the Leg and his mother waiting for a child. And from that moment all the responsibility for them falls on his shoulders. Honest, hard and even scary film about the frightening senselessness of war and the suffering of the Japanese people.
IMDb — 8,1; "Kinopoisk" — 7,99.
Wolf children AME and Yuki Ookami kodomo no Ame to Yuki 2012, Mamoru Hosoda

Yuki and AME — only seemingly normal children, but in fact they are werewolves. When their father dies, the last representative of an ancient family, their mother, an ordinary girl, have to move away from the big city and start over.
At first glance, a fairy tale unrelated to reality, but it's much more difficult. She talks about how to survive the people "with features of" indifferent world, but also raises numerous questions asked by modern parent: how does growing up and being in this world, what contribution can the parents in the upbringing of a harmonious personality, what is the role of the mother and whether she is in control and at the instruction or to provide complete freedom, etc. by the Way, this anime can be quite to watch together with young children, it will be interesting to all.
IMDb — 8,2; "Kinopoisk" — 7,99.

Great teacher Onizuka GTO, 1999 (season 1), Noriyuki Abe

Akiti Onizuka, last legendary leader of a gang of bikers, all of a sudden decides to become a teacher, because he imagines that it's a wonderful life surrounded by cute Schoolgirls. And this, at first glance, sloven and idiot with bad habits, who got the hardest class in the school is a great teacher, able to teach children important life lessons. Besides other advantages in the series can be noted a great sense of humor and music.
IMDb — 8,6; "Kinopoisk" — 8,57.
Evangelion Shin Seiki Evangelion, 1995-1996, Hideaki Anno

It may seem that it's an anime about giant robots. But no, it's much more difficult — cult status the series has brought a complex dramatic story and extraordinary main characters with difficult lives and relationships. And all this against the backdrop of a post-apocalyptic future Earth. Just say: to start with the anime since "Evangelion" is not necessary, it is better to turn slightly and prepared the ground, as he shot so that almost does not make allowances for the European audience.
IMDb — 8.6; "Kinopoisk" — 8,06.
Fullmetal alchemist: Brotherhood Hagane no renkinjutsushi 2009, Yasuhiro Irie

Two brothers Alphonse and Edward live in a world where alchemy is a real working thing. Violating the prohibition on the recovery of the person they are trying to bring back to life his mother, and then one of them loses a leg and the other body (remains only the soul that manages to attach to the ancient armor). Now the brothers are searching for the philosopher's stone, which should help to regain lost.
There are still anime 2003, filmed on the eponymous manga, but this adaptation has been praised for its more dynamic plot and interesting animation.
IMDb — 9,1; "Kinopoisk" — 8,54.
Cowboy Bebop Kaubôi bibappu: Cowboy Bebop, 1999, Sinitiro Watanabe

This, without exaggeration, elegant series tells funny, but sometimes tragic adventures of bounty hunters living aboard the spaceship "Bebop". The team is jet black, a former detective and owner of the ship, spike Spiegel — a man with a dark past, faye Valentine — the gambler with a huge debt, ed — the eccentric girl and a genius hacker and ain is probably the most intelligent dog in the world.
IMDb — 9; "Kinopoisk" — 8,52.
For descriptions of some of the films used information Kinopoisk
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