Anime Studio Museum in Japan

The huge popularity throughout the world is an anime series about the detective Conan, authored by Gosё Aoyama ... Today we are going into the studio-museum dedicated to the author of the anime and the main character

A little help ...
Anime is the cartoons, which often are based on the manga and most of them are designed for teen and adult audiences ...
Today, anime is a unique cultural layer that combines both series for children (genre code) - Anime in its original sense, and teenage work, often quite serious and to show adults - syonen (for boys), shoujo (anime girls) and even a full "adult" anime. In a separate area stood out hentai - anime pornographic orientation, yaoi and yuri - anime tells the story of a relationship (usually romantic) between people of the same sex - male or female respectively ...

Thus, the museum ...
To begin, we note that almost all the museums in which we were was quite crowded, I thought why not? ... The answer came by itself, because in them is really interesting for both children and adults, a lot of interactivity, all sorts of stuff and chips ...

Since it's still a museum here contains various archives of the anime, the story of creation, etc.

This distribution map "Detective Conan", as I understand it, in Russia it is not very popular ...

These are the ancestors of manga and the series ...

And looks workplace author Gosё Aoyama ...

Almost every museum there is a Japanese film screenings on the theme of exhibitions, which run in a continuous mode, and anyone who is interested in this topic can sit down and watch ...

And looking into the cracks of the drum, it is possible to see a girl running ...

Here, you can listen to how your voice changes, processing computer ...

Marionette Theater ...

I could not miss skateboarding ...

This plan studio ...

At the entrance to the museum is a yellow "bug", which goes "Detective Conan" ...


See also

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