How to create anime
Many of habrovchan, and indeed IT people, watching anime. Many more have seen it at least a corner of his eye. But how to create it?
It all starts with an idea. It happens that settles brainstorming, where a whole heap of choosing only one, but the best. Often, management is everything. But anyway, this is the first and most boring phase. After selecting the ideas the team decided to be engaged in its implementation, looking for sponsors. Anime is actually quite expensive thing - the cost of the show 52 series of late night 5-7 TV channels close to 50 million yen (about 21 million), and show the anime Fullmetal Alchemist at 6 pm cost 10 times more expensive!
The next couple of steps are optional in the event that the anime will be drawn by manga comics. Such anime in general, the majority, and rightly so. By the manga has been successful or not, it is possible to know in advance whether a successful anime and just to save some penny. Spravdlivosti to say that, and sometimes vice versa - is drawn by manga anime. For example, it was a FLCL.
The second stage - the invention of the general concept - who, how, what and why. Come up with the characters, storyline, made some first sketches. Once it is ready, begin their work the writers and artists. Written detailed scenario drawn characters and backgrounds, and then done an exemplary storyboard.
Drawn all the usual old-fashioned, pencil on paper. Characters are drawn in different perspectives and moods, in different clothes and different items.
Translation of these sketches into digital form can be done in two ways. Or pencil sketches covered with ink or pencil for most hard contrast, and then scanned:
Or first, scanned, and then the tablet is added contrast. It turns out, in general, the same thing.
Once the characters are ready drawn sketches throughout the storyline. This is done with pencil and paper, too, with a commentary in the second interval.
Apart from all this background is drawn. This is quite often the case that he is drawn not from scratch, but from what some photos. So do not be surprised if during a walk in Japan will see familiar places.
However, the background can draw only later, in the process, especially if it is remote, and it is not necessary to detail draws the shadows of the animation.
Finally, move on to the next part is finally connected to the computer. Just then comes the big and difficult work - animation, coloring and layout. First, artists painted a few frames of animation characters, between ready-made frames outline the storyline. For TV anime drawn usually 12 frames per second, but sometimes 24 or 8. This is done in the same way as before - the contours are displayed on paper and converted into digital form. It's really hellish work - imagine how much it is necessary to draw a 25-minute series!
Then we have the other people (though it can, and the same), the animation smooth, to make it look natural and without jerks. Finally, the third color in this animation. Besides all this, there are also effects on the artists. They add all sorts of sparks, stars and more. As a result, after adding the background section of an almost finished the anime.
During the entire process of monitoring art director (animation director), which checks the footage, make changes, and sometimes redraw something entirely their own hands. Therefore, the position usually prescribe one of the animators, with great experience.
It is worth noting that in recent years greatly facilitated the life of animators three-dimensional graphics. For example, it is very active and productive uses in his works Makoto Shinkai. Still, most of the anime is still drawn by hand. trinnadtsat
It all starts with an idea. It happens that settles brainstorming, where a whole heap of choosing only one, but the best. Often, management is everything. But anyway, this is the first and most boring phase. After selecting the ideas the team decided to be engaged in its implementation, looking for sponsors. Anime is actually quite expensive thing - the cost of the show 52 series of late night 5-7 TV channels close to 50 million yen (about 21 million), and show the anime Fullmetal Alchemist at 6 pm cost 10 times more expensive!
The next couple of steps are optional in the event that the anime will be drawn by manga comics. Such anime in general, the majority, and rightly so. By the manga has been successful or not, it is possible to know in advance whether a successful anime and just to save some penny. Spravdlivosti to say that, and sometimes vice versa - is drawn by manga anime. For example, it was a FLCL.
The second stage - the invention of the general concept - who, how, what and why. Come up with the characters, storyline, made some first sketches. Once it is ready, begin their work the writers and artists. Written detailed scenario drawn characters and backgrounds, and then done an exemplary storyboard.
Drawn all the usual old-fashioned, pencil on paper. Characters are drawn in different perspectives and moods, in different clothes and different items.



Translation of these sketches into digital form can be done in two ways. Or pencil sketches covered with ink or pencil for most hard contrast, and then scanned:


Or first, scanned, and then the tablet is added contrast. It turns out, in general, the same thing.
Once the characters are ready drawn sketches throughout the storyline. This is done with pencil and paper, too, with a commentary in the second interval.



Apart from all this background is drawn. This is quite often the case that he is drawn not from scratch, but from what some photos. So do not be surprised if during a walk in Japan will see familiar places.




However, the background can draw only later, in the process, especially if it is remote, and it is not necessary to detail draws the shadows of the animation.
Finally, move on to the next part is finally connected to the computer. Just then comes the big and difficult work - animation, coloring and layout. First, artists painted a few frames of animation characters, between ready-made frames outline the storyline. For TV anime drawn usually 12 frames per second, but sometimes 24 or 8. This is done in the same way as before - the contours are displayed on paper and converted into digital form. It's really hellish work - imagine how much it is necessary to draw a 25-minute series!
Then we have the other people (though it can, and the same), the animation smooth, to make it look natural and without jerks. Finally, the third color in this animation. Besides all this, there are also effects on the artists. They add all sorts of sparks, stars and more. As a result, after adding the background section of an almost finished the anime.
During the entire process of monitoring art director (animation director), which checks the footage, make changes, and sometimes redraw something entirely their own hands. Therefore, the position usually prescribe one of the animators, with great experience.
It is worth noting that in recent years greatly facilitated the life of animators three-dimensional graphics. For example, it is very active and productive uses in his works Makoto Shinkai. Still, most of the anime is still drawn by hand. trinnadtsat


