Girl fairy anime
On our site you can read about all sorts of personalities, upgrade your appearance. Here and Bagina, and Christina Ray and living doll Dakota, and Ken live. And in 2012, the list of "not like all" joined another Internet goddess - 19-year-old from Odessa Anastasia Shpagin. Since the vacancy living Barbie is already occupied, she chose a different path, turned into a typical Japanese anime character. Nastya went on kospleyschikov who dress in cartoon characters only on holidays - she walks in the way almost every day. Despite the fact that she even has a nickname Fukutsumi, she does not feel normal animeshnitsey, which is now so full. While her peers were playing with dolls, little Anastasia mastered the subtleties of a make-up to 19 years and has achieved tremendous success in this. According Shpagin, her appearance she wants to show that with the help of professional cosmetics person can transform beyond recognition. The red-haired heroine of the anime - it's not her alter-ego, it's just a show image
Nastya and Bagina Valeria Lukyanova (by the way, they compatriot)
Anastasia phenomenally thin waist, and most people do not believe that it has achieved such a natural way. Usually for this effect is removed ribs, but Shpagin claims that never in my life did not go under the surgeon's knife. On his height and weight Nastya inform social networks
No make-up (well, almost)
Video lesson from Nasty "How do boooolshoy eyes»
Practice shows that the popularity of such characters usually passes as quickly as comes, if it is not reinforced by some action in addition to demonstrating its image. Therefore Bagina writes poetry and sings Live Ken runs a plastic surgeon. Well, Nastya Shpagin may become a star make-up artist, if we go about it this glory. By the way, the girl-fairy from Odessa even wrote large western entertainment portal BuzzFeed, so that it need only seize the moment

Nastya and Bagina Valeria Lukyanova (by the way, they compatriot)

Anastasia phenomenally thin waist, and most people do not believe that it has achieved such a natural way. Usually for this effect is removed ribs, but Shpagin claims that never in my life did not go under the surgeon's knife. On his height and weight Nastya inform social networks

No make-up (well, almost)

Video lesson from Nasty "How do boooolshoy eyes»
Practice shows that the popularity of such characters usually passes as quickly as comes, if it is not reinforced by some action in addition to demonstrating its image. Therefore Bagina writes poetry and sings Live Ken runs a plastic surgeon. Well, Nastya Shpagin may become a star make-up artist, if we go about it this glory. By the way, the girl-fairy from Odessa even wrote large western entertainment portal BuzzFeed, so that it need only seize the moment

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