Scarlett Johansson to star in the film version of "Ghost in the Shell"

Demanded lately actress Scarlett Johansson has signed a contract to shoot a film adaptation of the famous anime "Ghost in the Shell." It is reported by The Verge. Shoot the picture will be the company DreamWorks, which now runs Steven Spielberg. Spielberg admitted that he is a fan of the work and have long wanted to make a film on its grounds. Is expected to lead the formulation of the tape will be British director Rupert Sanders ("Snow White and the Huntsman"). The script writes William Wheeler. Date of the film is not specified.
Anime 1995 is an adaptation of the manga of the same name, published in 1991. Her story takes us into the world, close to the cyberpunk. By 2029, thanks to the ubiquitous computer networks and cyber-technology, almost all people implanted a variety of neural implants. But cyber technology has brought a new and danger to humans has been made possible the so-called "brain hacking" and other crimes associated with them directly.
It has long been sought by the hacker, who was nicknamed the puppeteer, begins to meddle in politics, and then the "9th Division" Public Security Bureau, operotryad police, equipped with the latest technology, is ordered to investigate the matter and stop the puppeteer. In pursuit of them raises the question: what makes us human and who is the puppeteer in this world where the line between man and machine is almost invisible?
Hollywood rarely managed to action movies with women in the lead roles, but Johansson has worked well, playing in such blockbusters as "Lucy", "Under the Skin", "The Avengers." Hopefully, DreamWorks will be able to not spoil the story and adequately convey kinometodami unique visuals of the original anime.

Source: geektimes.ru/post/243907/
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