The “Assembly Point” of Your Couple: 7 Levels of Partner Choice
In the East, it is said that each person chooses partners and life companions on one of the 7 levels. You can easily draw a parallel with the chakras and infer the “assembly point” of your pair, and in other words, the level of depth and strength of the union.
P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness – together we change the world!
Source: www.facebook.com/188823594657407/photos/a.188831501323283.1073741828.188823594657407/609545579251871/?type=3&theater
- The most primitive level is survival (Muladhara): someone with whom we can maintain the existence and safety of a family. To this level descend many couples who have lost love, passion and interest in each other, but live together for the sake of children.
- The second level is passion (Svadhistana). Such a partner can be anyone we want sexually.
- The third level is General (Manipura). This is not just a person with whom we enjoy having sex, but one with whom we share common interests, values, or material benefits.
- The fourth level is the senses (Anahata). These are couples that are created by the call of the heart or, as they say, for love. Many people believe that this is the limit of a relationship, but it is not.
- The fifth level is joint self-expression (Vishudha). This is a relationship in which people not only love each other, but can engage in joint activities or creativity.
- The sixth is development (Ajna). It is the choice of the person with whom you are on your way. Each of us has our own path and mission. Choosing a person who solves tasks similar to you greatly facilitates learning the lessons of life.
- The seventh is spiritual (Sahasrara). It's a union of people close in spirit. Such pairs are units. There are no enemies, no friends, there are teachers.
P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness – together we change the world!
Source: www.facebook.com/188823594657407/photos/a.188831501323283.1073741828.188823594657407/609545579251871/?type=3&theater
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