Sexy psychosomatics
Of sexual positions love to talk and sexologists, psychologists, and ordinary inhabitants of the planet — before sex, during sex, after sex and sometimes instead of sex. It is considered that a variety of sexual positions associated with the different anatomic structure of the genital organs of men and women. However, it is not only anatomy.
These poses are good because face to face you can not only have sex but also to communicate. Yes! Exactly! The posture satisfy the human need for communication, while addressing a sexual need.
Need arguments? — Please. Animals have such item in sex not because they don't have sex for the sake of communication. Man needs not only sex, but also a sense of unity, of merging, of love, in the end.
And just this demand meets the most well-known pose of the group "face to face" — man on top. Also for many women, this pose is a symbol of a kind of security — when the male body closes it almost completely. This sex position is usually known as the missionary — at the same time, telling the story of how the savages on the island, accustomed to communicate in the postures of the animals watched in amazement as a couple of missionaries is love.... However, this is not quite true.
Variants of this position have been found among the petroglyphs of primitive people! That is, it indirectly confirms what we said above: the social function of sex have a long history. And if you want to, such a position is not missionary, and human. And those peoples who are not popular throughout the rest of its development still experienced some setbacks in the development of their populations. But problems in the use of this group of poses there and start experiencing it in different "social interpretation". It may be, on the one hand, the merger and the merger, and on the other hand, suppression (from the perspective of men), saying, here is how I pressed her, she couldn't move!
In General, for men seeking sex to satisfy first and foremost a sense of power, especially power from a position of strength, this sexpose and attractive that it can be the woman literally "crush". And has no values for them that almost obezdwijivanie partner loses the ability to help his frictions and thus dulled its purely physiological pleasure! But that speech and that physiological discharge such a dork secondary, the main thing — to crush... And from the perspective of women, such a posture may well be a symbol of contempt and indifference. Like, my business is sorry to lie down and spread your legs. And then he could do what he wants for all I care. Just like that (with this interpretation) have sex wife, literally hate their husbands — and in particular the proximity with them. That's another reason why this pose is so popular — often in married couples, the sex is what married life. And it is in this position, the wife can not afford to bother during the performance of these duties.
It turns out that if the partner feels in this position a sense of unity, and the partner, indifference, or partner craves with this sex positions to satisfy a sense of power and female — is a sense of security, with such opposite goals someone will remain unsatisfied (no matter how well this pose may come to their anatomic features). Conversely, if the location of the bodies is not too good stimulates the main erogenous zones, but thus there is a convergence of views — this posture will be regarded with a Bang!
They are the backbone both literally and figuratively. The expression "to stand on their feet" conveys this double meaning. We can rely on your partner, and that means credibility.
As the two extremes of the legs may have chronic stress or, conversely, to be too relaxed. It is easy to see when a person stands. Overexertion leads to the fact that the legs look unnaturally straight, stiff. The patella is clamped and feet so tight, as if clinging to the ground: when a person stands barefoot, his fingers like claws of a bird, pressed into the floor. In this case, and in romantic relationships, people prefer to rely only on themselves, to lead, to control the partner. It is difficult to trust someone. Alas, this often leads to loneliness.
In another case a person is constantly shifting, transfer the weight from foot to foot, tries something to rely on, anyway – to stand does not like, tires easily, prefers to sit. Similarly, he does in love: relies more on the partner than on yourself. Seeks to rely on him, even hide him from difficulties. Such people are not able to be alone, they blindly trust the partner, as a result, easily deceived.
Can you be paired?Coordinated movement is possible only in the case when there is a common goal, otherwise the Alliance falls apart. But in the long partnership of shared purpose simply replace one another as achievements to get a mortgage, to have children, to build a cottage.
Here live the passion and sexual attraction. They arise or fade out of our conscious control. So the saying "love can not be" absolutely true. We can't force passion to flare up or disappear, only to decide what to do and how to act.
We are not free in our desires – but are responsible for our actions! So, one of the most common illusions is that if we love our partner, more than anyone will never passionate about, and if carried away – so the love is gone. In fact it is not.
We live in an ancient biological program, preserved since prehistoric times, when our ancestors were a group form of marriage with free sex links. Therefore, at times appear attracted to "foreign" objects for our nature naturally. Another thing is that the identity of modern man is not confined to ancient programs and instincts. And therefore we are free to choose where "passion fight" to send. There will always be temptations, but the question of what to do with them, everyone is responsible for himself.
Attraction to partner – not that other, as an unconscious desire to have his child. Many of the problems of pregnancy are psychosomatic, that is, behind them are psychological reasons. Usually it is either the unwillingness to have a child, or the wrong choice of partner. And in that and in other case there is a discrepancy between the conscious and unconscious choice.
The head says: "it is Time to have a baby", "Here with this partner it is necessary to create a family." And the body disagree with this, it considers that the birth of a child is not ready (due to high level of anxiety, infantile), and a partner actually is not suitable. This happens, for example, in the case of an arranged marriage. The body do not explain that marriage will bring a Moscow residence permit, it is the fact indifferent, it wants of this spouse.
With the pelvis is also connected is such an important part of love, Expocontact to have fun, to be happy. After all, while this ability is not, whatever you do partner, no matter how he cared, it would be enough.
To love another person is possible only in case, if you know how to love yourself! As the Foundation of love in the belly of living self-acceptance. Knowing yourself with all flaws and virtues, with all their strengths and weaknesses, pluses and minuses helps to get realistic partner. Not to idealize it, but not to devalue.Accepting ourselves for who we are, we are able to accept the other person.
Here comes a deep attachment to another person, and if it collapses, suffers heart. "Break your heart", "stone heart" – the language reflects this connection between body and psychological. If the heart was once hurt if the feelings of people treated carelessly, then the heart closes, the ability to love is reduced. Physically, it appears in the body as chronic muscle tension of the chest, the oblique muscles of the diaphragm. And since they are involved in the respiratory cycle, as a result, the breath is constricted. Muscles become tight corset taut, not allowing it to breathe. What is the result? As the breath we need for energy, its limitation leads to a lack of strength, reduced tone, fatigue. And besides, "frozen" all the feelings and fade the colors of life.
This ability to develop a love affair in the broadest sense of the word: not only elect, but also with relatives, with friends. There is such a beautiful metaphor: "the Palm – Windows of the heart". Hands are responsible for our ability to give and take in relationships.And without this exchange of love is impossible.
By the way the man holds the hands, it is possible to draw conclusions about his ability to build contacts. If you have the habit to cross my arms, something to hold, to hug yourself or something else to close, so restrained and love – there are difficulties with expression and acceptance. On the contrary, if the person is actively gesticulating, waving his hands in conversation, so expansive he can Express his feelings. His presentation of love can sometimes be Intrusive.
This is our "mask". It is responsible for how we met, how we position ourselves. Masks are very different: the "nice girl", "bad boy", "adventurer", "romantic" and so on. The mask doesn't mean something bad.Each of us is, in a society without them is impossible.But best of your masks to understand to manage them. Otherwise, they gain power over us and begin to lead us in life.
No wonder they have the reputation of "the mirror of the soul" with the eyes of associated psychological intimacy. Many problems in a love relationship – a consequence of difficulties with the entry into psychological closeness. As the rapprochement manifested all their problems, hitherto hidden. Area of intimacy, where partners such as the Area of "roadside Picnic" by the Strugatsky brothers. She is as full of surprises, both pleasant and not so, and at the same time – unpredictable. Joining the intimacy brings up the whole traumatic experience of the past, that was painful. And in order to, despite all the fears and pain go forward in the relationship, you need courage!
Settled our conscious representation, installation, about love, namely: what is love if it show and if possible, how. How should behave ourselves, but as a partner. Therefore, it is important to find a balance! On the one hand, to choose a loved one's head – pointless and useless. Head cannot order someone to love or not to love. On the other hand, the feelings must be censored. If the husband is an alcoholic and is heading for the abyss, it is not necessary to roll back along with it.
Associated with the erotic component of love. Live in it a tenderness, a need to touch, embrace. The bodily habit to the partner. Desire to cuddle, sleep next to, to touch each other. But it's not a passion, and it is that tenderness which erupted more slowly than passion, but lasts longer. In long-term partnerships where there is regular sexual intimacy, the passion begins to decline in 2-3 years. But erotic tenderness, on the contrary, increases. That is why successful alliances partners like to sleep in the arms and even hard to sleep when beloved is not there. published
Author: Mikhaylin Vislocky
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: faceculture.ru/sex-psy.php
These poses are good because face to face you can not only have sex but also to communicate. Yes! Exactly! The posture satisfy the human need for communication, while addressing a sexual need.
Need arguments? — Please. Animals have such item in sex not because they don't have sex for the sake of communication. Man needs not only sex, but also a sense of unity, of merging, of love, in the end.

And just this demand meets the most well-known pose of the group "face to face" — man on top. Also for many women, this pose is a symbol of a kind of security — when the male body closes it almost completely. This sex position is usually known as the missionary — at the same time, telling the story of how the savages on the island, accustomed to communicate in the postures of the animals watched in amazement as a couple of missionaries is love.... However, this is not quite true.
Variants of this position have been found among the petroglyphs of primitive people! That is, it indirectly confirms what we said above: the social function of sex have a long history. And if you want to, such a position is not missionary, and human. And those peoples who are not popular throughout the rest of its development still experienced some setbacks in the development of their populations. But problems in the use of this group of poses there and start experiencing it in different "social interpretation". It may be, on the one hand, the merger and the merger, and on the other hand, suppression (from the perspective of men), saying, here is how I pressed her, she couldn't move!
In General, for men seeking sex to satisfy first and foremost a sense of power, especially power from a position of strength, this sexpose and attractive that it can be the woman literally "crush". And has no values for them that almost obezdwijivanie partner loses the ability to help his frictions and thus dulled its purely physiological pleasure! But that speech and that physiological discharge such a dork secondary, the main thing — to crush... And from the perspective of women, such a posture may well be a symbol of contempt and indifference. Like, my business is sorry to lie down and spread your legs. And then he could do what he wants for all I care. Just like that (with this interpretation) have sex wife, literally hate their husbands — and in particular the proximity with them. That's another reason why this pose is so popular — often in married couples, the sex is what married life. And it is in this position, the wife can not afford to bother during the performance of these duties.
It turns out that if the partner feels in this position a sense of unity, and the partner, indifference, or partner craves with this sex positions to satisfy a sense of power and female — is a sense of security, with such opposite goals someone will remain unsatisfied (no matter how well this pose may come to their anatomic features). Conversely, if the location of the bodies is not too good stimulates the main erogenous zones, but thus there is a convergence of views — this posture will be regarded with a Bang!
They are the backbone both literally and figuratively. The expression "to stand on their feet" conveys this double meaning. We can rely on your partner, and that means credibility.
As the two extremes of the legs may have chronic stress or, conversely, to be too relaxed. It is easy to see when a person stands. Overexertion leads to the fact that the legs look unnaturally straight, stiff. The patella is clamped and feet so tight, as if clinging to the ground: when a person stands barefoot, his fingers like claws of a bird, pressed into the floor. In this case, and in romantic relationships, people prefer to rely only on themselves, to lead, to control the partner. It is difficult to trust someone. Alas, this often leads to loneliness.
In another case a person is constantly shifting, transfer the weight from foot to foot, tries something to rely on, anyway – to stand does not like, tires easily, prefers to sit. Similarly, he does in love: relies more on the partner than on yourself. Seeks to rely on him, even hide him from difficulties. Such people are not able to be alone, they blindly trust the partner, as a result, easily deceived.
Can you be paired?Coordinated movement is possible only in the case when there is a common goal, otherwise the Alliance falls apart. But in the long partnership of shared purpose simply replace one another as achievements to get a mortgage, to have children, to build a cottage.
Here live the passion and sexual attraction. They arise or fade out of our conscious control. So the saying "love can not be" absolutely true. We can't force passion to flare up or disappear, only to decide what to do and how to act.
We are not free in our desires – but are responsible for our actions! So, one of the most common illusions is that if we love our partner, more than anyone will never passionate about, and if carried away – so the love is gone. In fact it is not.
We live in an ancient biological program, preserved since prehistoric times, when our ancestors were a group form of marriage with free sex links. Therefore, at times appear attracted to "foreign" objects for our nature naturally. Another thing is that the identity of modern man is not confined to ancient programs and instincts. And therefore we are free to choose where "passion fight" to send. There will always be temptations, but the question of what to do with them, everyone is responsible for himself.
Attraction to partner – not that other, as an unconscious desire to have his child. Many of the problems of pregnancy are psychosomatic, that is, behind them are psychological reasons. Usually it is either the unwillingness to have a child, or the wrong choice of partner. And in that and in other case there is a discrepancy between the conscious and unconscious choice.
The head says: "it is Time to have a baby", "Here with this partner it is necessary to create a family." And the body disagree with this, it considers that the birth of a child is not ready (due to high level of anxiety, infantile), and a partner actually is not suitable. This happens, for example, in the case of an arranged marriage. The body do not explain that marriage will bring a Moscow residence permit, it is the fact indifferent, it wants of this spouse.
With the pelvis is also connected is such an important part of love, Expocontact to have fun, to be happy. After all, while this ability is not, whatever you do partner, no matter how he cared, it would be enough.
To love another person is possible only in case, if you know how to love yourself! As the Foundation of love in the belly of living self-acceptance. Knowing yourself with all flaws and virtues, with all their strengths and weaknesses, pluses and minuses helps to get realistic partner. Not to idealize it, but not to devalue.Accepting ourselves for who we are, we are able to accept the other person.
Here comes a deep attachment to another person, and if it collapses, suffers heart. "Break your heart", "stone heart" – the language reflects this connection between body and psychological. If the heart was once hurt if the feelings of people treated carelessly, then the heart closes, the ability to love is reduced. Physically, it appears in the body as chronic muscle tension of the chest, the oblique muscles of the diaphragm. And since they are involved in the respiratory cycle, as a result, the breath is constricted. Muscles become tight corset taut, not allowing it to breathe. What is the result? As the breath we need for energy, its limitation leads to a lack of strength, reduced tone, fatigue. And besides, "frozen" all the feelings and fade the colors of life.
This ability to develop a love affair in the broadest sense of the word: not only elect, but also with relatives, with friends. There is such a beautiful metaphor: "the Palm – Windows of the heart". Hands are responsible for our ability to give and take in relationships.And without this exchange of love is impossible.
By the way the man holds the hands, it is possible to draw conclusions about his ability to build contacts. If you have the habit to cross my arms, something to hold, to hug yourself or something else to close, so restrained and love – there are difficulties with expression and acceptance. On the contrary, if the person is actively gesticulating, waving his hands in conversation, so expansive he can Express his feelings. His presentation of love can sometimes be Intrusive.
This is our "mask". It is responsible for how we met, how we position ourselves. Masks are very different: the "nice girl", "bad boy", "adventurer", "romantic" and so on. The mask doesn't mean something bad.Each of us is, in a society without them is impossible.But best of your masks to understand to manage them. Otherwise, they gain power over us and begin to lead us in life.
No wonder they have the reputation of "the mirror of the soul" with the eyes of associated psychological intimacy. Many problems in a love relationship – a consequence of difficulties with the entry into psychological closeness. As the rapprochement manifested all their problems, hitherto hidden. Area of intimacy, where partners such as the Area of "roadside Picnic" by the Strugatsky brothers. She is as full of surprises, both pleasant and not so, and at the same time – unpredictable. Joining the intimacy brings up the whole traumatic experience of the past, that was painful. And in order to, despite all the fears and pain go forward in the relationship, you need courage!
Settled our conscious representation, installation, about love, namely: what is love if it show and if possible, how. How should behave ourselves, but as a partner. Therefore, it is important to find a balance! On the one hand, to choose a loved one's head – pointless and useless. Head cannot order someone to love or not to love. On the other hand, the feelings must be censored. If the husband is an alcoholic and is heading for the abyss, it is not necessary to roll back along with it.
Associated with the erotic component of love. Live in it a tenderness, a need to touch, embrace. The bodily habit to the partner. Desire to cuddle, sleep next to, to touch each other. But it's not a passion, and it is that tenderness which erupted more slowly than passion, but lasts longer. In long-term partnerships where there is regular sexual intimacy, the passion begins to decline in 2-3 years. But erotic tenderness, on the contrary, increases. That is why successful alliances partners like to sleep in the arms and even hard to sleep when beloved is not there. published
Author: Mikhaylin Vislocky
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: faceculture.ru/sex-psy.php
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