12 facts about Imperial Russia, which you did not know
After the revolution of 1917 and coming to power of Bolsheviks the lives of ordinary Russians have changed quite a bit. Some of their habits were replaced by other, established way of life had to rebuild, and many previously permitted measures were condemned. The website offers the reader a dozen interesting facts about tsarist Russia.
via facte.ru/history/14796.html

- Until 1917 in Russia it was possible to carry firearms, it could easily buy in the shops without documents.
- The main measure of weight in Imperial Russia was not pounds, while a pound, which was equal to 16,38 kg.

- Before the revolution Russia was one of the most lightweight of countries in Europe.
- Tsar Nicholas II was a cousin of George V — Emperor of the British Empire.

- In fact, the author of perfume "Chanel № 5" was not Coco Chanel. This fragrance was created by the Russian Verigin, who emigrated to France and became an employee of the perfume Department "Chanel" together with Muscovite Ernest Bo.
- In 1913 in Russia income from export of butter abroad was roughly equal to income from the extraction and sale of gold.

- The most numerous class before 1917 were peasants. As for religion in Russia was 69.5% of the Orthodox, 11.1% of Muslims, 9.1% of Catholics and 4.2% of the Jews.
- In 1898, the Emperor Nicholas II invited the European heads of state plan for world disarmament. It happened in the Hague.

via facte.ru/history/14796.html
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