The royal family in photos Gilliard (11 photos)
The pictures are very interesting. The royal family at home, informal moments: in Livadia, on a yacht Standart, in the rate of the military command in Mogilev, under arrest in Tsarskoye Selo, in exile in Tobolsk.
April 1918 - Nicholas with children in Tobolsk. The last known photo of the royal family.
Pierre Gilliard (1879-1962) - French Switzerland. Received higher philological education, came to Russia as a teacher of French. On the recommendation of the Duke Leyhtenberga became a teacher of French children of Nicholas II.
Gilliard. Self-portrait. Livadia 1911.
Gilliard has become not only a teacher but also a friend to the royal family. He voluntarily went with them into exile in Tobolsk. Gilliard was landed from the train in Yekaterinburg, when separated from the king of some people from the suite.
Gilliard and Nicholas II dig the beds in Tsarskoye Selo. Spring 1917.
Gilliard then returned to Ekaterinburg in 1919, helped the investigator Nikolai Sokolov search for the remains of the royal family.
Photo Gilliard: Nikolai Sokolov in 1919 near Yekaterinburg.
In 1920 he emigrated Gilliard, a Swiss nurse married the king's children Alexandra Telegina. Photos bequeathed bibilioteka Lausanne. There they are stored at the moment and only 3 weeks were brought to Moscow.
Nicholas II riding talking with Alexandra, who sits in the car. 1910
Gilliard with the Grand Duchess Olga and Tatiana in Livadia. 1911.
The Grand Duchesses in the Bialowieza Forest. 1913.
Tsarevich Alexei in the courtyard of the Winter Palace. 1914
The visit of the royal family in Constanta, Romania, 1914.
The Grand Duchesses visited the family of the worker. Mogilev, 1915
The Grand Duchesses Tatiana and Anastasia in the Park under arrest. 1917.
April 1918 - Nicholas with children in Tobolsk. The last known photo of the royal family.

Pierre Gilliard (1879-1962) - French Switzerland. Received higher philological education, came to Russia as a teacher of French. On the recommendation of the Duke Leyhtenberga became a teacher of French children of Nicholas II.
Gilliard. Self-portrait. Livadia 1911.

Gilliard has become not only a teacher but also a friend to the royal family. He voluntarily went with them into exile in Tobolsk. Gilliard was landed from the train in Yekaterinburg, when separated from the king of some people from the suite.
Gilliard and Nicholas II dig the beds in Tsarskoye Selo. Spring 1917.

Gilliard then returned to Ekaterinburg in 1919, helped the investigator Nikolai Sokolov search for the remains of the royal family.
Photo Gilliard: Nikolai Sokolov in 1919 near Yekaterinburg.

In 1920 he emigrated Gilliard, a Swiss nurse married the king's children Alexandra Telegina. Photos bequeathed bibilioteka Lausanne. There they are stored at the moment and only 3 weeks were brought to Moscow.
Nicholas II riding talking with Alexandra, who sits in the car. 1910

Gilliard with the Grand Duchess Olga and Tatiana in Livadia. 1911.

The Grand Duchesses in the Bialowieza Forest. 1913.

Tsarevich Alexei in the courtyard of the Winter Palace. 1914

The visit of the royal family in Constanta, Romania, 1914.

The Grand Duchesses visited the family of the worker. Mogilev, 1915

The Grand Duchesses Tatiana and Anastasia in the Park under arrest. 1917.