5 excellent tips that you better keep to yourself
The site shares with readers a "very wise" advice, which in any case it is not necessary to give to friends and acquaintances.
"Never give up on their beliefs!" I wonder what it would be to give up Giordano Bruno to his beliefs before his execution? Perhaps, then, the scientist would still be alive. So if you want to be a hero, stand to the death for their beliefs, unless of course they do not contradict the beliefs of other people.
Another interpretation of this advice — "never stop fighting, but think: and whether do you fight?". A compromise in the debate is what helps mankind to rise to a new stage of development. If all the people who are in organizations that are fighting the abolition or introduction of anything, never come to peace agreements, then our planet would be lost in rallies and riots.
"You just say what I think!" Before to give to the person everything that you think about it, ponder over what you can to hurt badly. Sometimes it is not necessary to Express their own opinion, because others may not understand and not accept it. If you think that your opinion can change the world and that all are obliged to listen to it, then you will only be disappointed. Speak up, but make no mistake that you will want to hear everything.
"Forget about the past, what was, was!" If you have made some mistakes in the past, it is very important that you forgive yourself for them. To remember about errors is important, but it is also important not to beat yourself up for them and not turn them into obsessive cause for self-flagellation. If you become aware of all their past failures and accept them, you will be able to move on, having had the experience.
"Trust only yourself!" Of course, to make independent decisions very difficult. So do not hesitate to ask for help from colleagues or friends who understand this issue better. Do not assume that you yourself is the only person who deserves trust. People are created to exist in groups, and, hence, to trust other people in many aspects of life. It would be better if you follow the advice: "learn to distinguish between bad people."
"Live every day as if it were the last!" Imagine what would happen if today is the last day for humanity? I'm sure many would jump carouse to the fullest and try to live it. Every day some imagine as the last, therefore, lead lives of idleness and laziness. Better to follow the advice that needs to be filled today, meaning. If every day you will do something that will benefit your future, then life will become much nicer. Remember that only children can live for today, and you are adults, so you should think about the future.
via factroom.ru
"Never give up on their beliefs!" I wonder what it would be to give up Giordano Bruno to his beliefs before his execution? Perhaps, then, the scientist would still be alive. So if you want to be a hero, stand to the death for their beliefs, unless of course they do not contradict the beliefs of other people.
Another interpretation of this advice — "never stop fighting, but think: and whether do you fight?". A compromise in the debate is what helps mankind to rise to a new stage of development. If all the people who are in organizations that are fighting the abolition or introduction of anything, never come to peace agreements, then our planet would be lost in rallies and riots.
"You just say what I think!" Before to give to the person everything that you think about it, ponder over what you can to hurt badly. Sometimes it is not necessary to Express their own opinion, because others may not understand and not accept it. If you think that your opinion can change the world and that all are obliged to listen to it, then you will only be disappointed. Speak up, but make no mistake that you will want to hear everything.
"Forget about the past, what was, was!" If you have made some mistakes in the past, it is very important that you forgive yourself for them. To remember about errors is important, but it is also important not to beat yourself up for them and not turn them into obsessive cause for self-flagellation. If you become aware of all their past failures and accept them, you will be able to move on, having had the experience.
"Trust only yourself!" Of course, to make independent decisions very difficult. So do not hesitate to ask for help from colleagues or friends who understand this issue better. Do not assume that you yourself is the only person who deserves trust. People are created to exist in groups, and, hence, to trust other people in many aspects of life. It would be better if you follow the advice: "learn to distinguish between bad people."
"Live every day as if it were the last!" Imagine what would happen if today is the last day for humanity? I'm sure many would jump carouse to the fullest and try to live it. Every day some imagine as the last, therefore, lead lives of idleness and laziness. Better to follow the advice that needs to be filled today, meaning. If every day you will do something that will benefit your future, then life will become much nicer. Remember that only children can live for today, and you are adults, so you should think about the future.
via factroom.ru
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