14 things that should make every dad for his little daughter

First love every girl is definitely her father. The relationship that exists between a dad and his daughter is something special, in fact it will have an impact on the selection chosen to share my life with and have children of their own. So just need to be a role model and a wise teacher for all children.
The website shares with you 14 things that every man should do for his daughter, she will grow up Mature, responsible and strong.

After work find time to play with her toys, talk, put on her pyjamas and read bedtime. The day will come when you will not be able to do this ever.

It would seem that so tough to hold hands. But this act will mean much more if it just grabbed the arm, and his hand to feel her confidence that she is safe and you will always be there when you need it.

Say how beautiful she is, when waking up, when going to play with your friends when going to class, and not only when you will wear her new dress for the party. Tell her that she is beautiful and always will be a joy for your eyes.

Maybe now she sits and plays with her dolls in a red dress and pigtails. But you will not know it, this girl will turn into a Mature and independent woman and will cease to be small. So use every moment and turn it into the best. Play with her, help her, walk hand in the Park, read before bed.

Seek to organize joint events outside of everyday life — the tablet or the cell phone does not unite you. Take her to the Park or on trips, go skating, go to the movies or dinner together. Be sure you both remember these moments for a long time.

Show your child that his opinion matters. Try to pay attention, even when tired. You will be able to rest later, when she's not your little girl. Thus you will give her to understand that she will always be heard and her opinion will be of great value.

The relationships that have developed between you and your wife, will greatly affect the relationship that a daughter would seek in the future. You certainly want to find someone who really will love her. Teach her that she deserves someone who can make her as happy as you did your wife.

Don't need it to become a habit, just let her sometimes sleeping next to you, to feel protection and love.

In sports, as in life, first think hard and nothing happens. But if you overcome all the difficulties, success is guaranteed. Let her choose any sport that she likes, and you will support her decision. She will be grateful to you whole life, because sport is health.

Music without, getting into the rhythm, or not much, to dance with her. Don't need no excuses, just enjoy the dance together. She will always be grateful for that.

Maintain her curiosity, desire to learn and discover new things, her inventiveness, a love of reading.

Wants to go to ballet lessons? Great. Want to learn karate? Good idea. Do not restrain her, let him seek it their favorite destination in this life.

You will never cease to love her, even when she makes mistakes. So I will teach her to be responsible for their actions. If she made a mistake, help her find a solution, but not do everything for her. In life in addition to joy there are always sadness and frustration — teach her to cope with them.

Should always be freedom to communicate, give advice, but support her final decision. Trust her, it was you who raised her.
Source porquenosemeocurrio
Translation Of The Website
Photo preview Catherine King
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